Skins Disappearing

Checking out my heroes after the latest patch, my ancient unraveler Zeratul skin (which was equipped and being used) disappeared (showing it as non purchased) when I clicked off the hero and back on. Checking my other heroes my Murky has lost his main skin of the Amber Sir Murkalot. Tried re-logging as suggested. Cant find any way of putting in a ticket any more so posting here in hope of help.


I had the same thing with Toxic Prime Evil Diablo and also a mount the Happy Cloud. They aren’t showing as unpurchased but they are dark like an unpurchased one and won’t let me select them.

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Yeah some of my skins are randomly locked now re-logging & restarting did nothing.

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I also lost my Angelic Grave Warden Malthael skin

Same here, skin disappeared =/

Same here, lost Zeratul and Murky skins.

Same here, I also lost these skins. In addition I lost nearly all of my Malthael Skins
I dunno if I lost more skins or smth. like that… :frowning:
I hope for help

Same here, Lost my skin Diablo

Same, Amber Sir-Murkalot skin is missing. There could be more but this one is obvious since it was the default selected skin for Murky from last time I played. It now gives the error message that the skin is not unlocked yet

I lost Competitive Pro D.Va (and possibly others - I haven’t checked). It appears if I select owned skins in her loadout menu, but has the lock in the lower right and won’t let me keep it selected. Got it from a chest (not with currency) if that matters, but I couldn’t tell you when it was unlocked.

I dont have access to my Toxic Prime Evil Diablo skin since the update. Also a while back I lost access to stiches.

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Nightmare Prime Evil Diablo available but not selectable.

Can verify. I have also lost skins and mounts.

On my end it’s two variants of the Blood Raven Sylvanas skin appearing locked despite being owned. Also the “Leoric’s Phantom” mount has completely vanished from my account. On the flipside, a Ghost Speeder mount was added to my account with the name “Mount/Name/MountSpeederBikeVar3”

It’s been x3 days now, why no response from Blizz?? A hotfix should have come out by now.

I have had some skins disappearing and mounts as well. They show up in my collections tab but not in the loadout for when I select a champion. Hopefully, they fix this soon. :frowning:

i have the same iisue with my prime evil diablo skin :confused:

There is already a Blizzard response. They can be seen by the Blizzard icon next to a bug report.