Since we are getting nerfs reverted

and, like I said in the post you responded to:

Well, in a lot of 1 on 1 situations, Rhythm of the stuff made you pretty much invincible.

But I do agree that there’s always been anti synergy with Odin. It used to straight up be a dps decrease until they buffed it. But even now, when you activate it, you cancel most of your talents.

I’m not even sure why activating Odin has that huge delay. It’s not like you can burst people with it.

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The delay actually has its own use, especially against heroes like Butcher.

Maybe the easiest way to fix That’s the Stuff! is to remove part of D synergy? One of the reasons why talent X works certain way and not the other, is because of the potential (although situational) synergy that can completely break it and people abusing it. Im pretty sure thats the case btw.

TtS! heals Tychus for X damage while his D is active, constantly, not including his D damage.

It still combos with In the Rythm very well, but since 1 synergy is nerfed (healing from D damage) it opens up constant damage (imo, very good deal).

TBTA is good enough. It was popular with Neosteel Coating. Admittedly, kinda forced, but it simply worked (+ small synergy with decreased D cd).

Master Assassin is pretty obvious, and this talent needed buff since a long time.

Spray n Pray
Merge with Lead Rain, because why not, because it sucks. APR will get extra synergy with new TtS!.

New lvl 13
Every second AA of hero hit by Q is a miss (to make it more interesting). Its also, somewhat, a survivability talent.

Just give me 1 sec of unstoppable instead. But make the change instant. :slight_smile:

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You could do that. Or just give him an unstoppable and make Odin a permanent bonus form.

One issue though, the unstoppable would have to go on a tier where it doesn’t dominate. So there is the use that you can use your best lvl 10 ultimate for your unstoppable, too.

How does stunning yourself for 2,5 sec help you?
The “unstoppable” is just there to prevent interruptions, but you are in fact stunned.

You’d be surprised what you can accomplish with good timing.

Well, for example you can use Anas sleep dart against charging Butcher or what not. You are stunned, he is asleep :smiley:

That’s a very very specific example :smiley:

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Well, the same applies to TtF! as said above, but Im obviously half serious here. The trade off is not worth it :slight_smile:

I don’t think they’ll return that. Its like nerf with hammer Orbital BFG. They removed building damage due to OP in aram, but after hammer was banned they don’t want to return it.

That was balanced, but annoying in regular games as well. It was basically putting a timer on the enemy team, telling them deal with it: finish the game fast, or suffer.

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They compensated greymane by passively giving him 15% increase splash in return for removing the old amazing talent that increased splash by 40%. 40% > 15% always - even if it mains investing a lvl 4 talent into it.