Silly pairings - shut down servers



it doesnt matter what match mode or what rank you are. in short, most of the matches are not fair.

I don’t think anybody at the moment would argue that the match maker is perfect.

It has some issues and the current size of the player base makes these issues worse.

It is also impossible for every game to be perfectly balanced due to human nature, someone might be tilted and make a troll pick, might have just woken up and turned ranked on, might not know how to deal qwith ktz etc.

There will be games that are unfair against you and that will be unfair in your favour. Ot is definately not impossible to climb or have a > 50% winrate. You will have games that leave a bad taste in the mouth against sseaty try hard stacks and you will have people disconnect or troll in your games.

Complaining about it on the forums is pretty pointless at this stage because the game isn’t being worked on anymore.

You keep suggesting that you are trying to do new players a favour by turning them off this game.

I agree it’s probably not that ideal for mew players to start their ranked journey into bronze or silver matched with or against smurfs 50% of the time.

When the player base was much higher i imagine the ranks were a bit more reflective of player skill.

However I would also argue that being flamed for various reasons e.g. their pick in draft, their gameplay by salty toxic players is much more of a problem and is likely to turn new players away more.


Just because you dont like it anymore does not mean others should do the same. You can freely move away and play something els and let others enjoy it. This game does not effect your life.


“If I can’t have it, no one can” – toddler who breaks the toy after getting mad.


New players prob won’t visit the forums. Most will play instead of reading and commenting, but if they want the latter, reddit, icyveins and heroesprofile will be their chosen mediums, not this forum. You’re shouting to the wind, and due to being “lucky” a few of the remaining veterans (of the forum) read your selfish and primitive nonsense.

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I dunno man, whatever it is that you claim, I can’t help but feel an intense lack of altruism with what your asking here.

Hmm, so how can you have :point_down:

Are you trolling right now? You’re finding matches, that is the opposite of dead game.

Maybe you’re salty that you are terrible at the game, and if you can’t have fun no one can? Typical spoiled child behavior.

Ok, disappear.

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my goal is to guide other players. Let them know this isnt a game they are having fun with. to prevent them from becoming frustrated.
sad but true

we will see (if microsoft does nothing). dont worry. see you in other toys (Smite, lol, dota, palandins doesnt matter)

selfish and primitive ?
beginners will understand very well what i write. Dont be surprised when they open a topic like mine.

Yes, absurd pairings. i guess it is fun for you to play with the same (smurf) players. you dont even realize it. i didnt know you were this stupid.

They won’t. Beginners (if there are any) don’t really vist these forums (or do so via stalking only), instead we get a lot of trollish and egotistic veterans who want this game to die out just because they’re unable to enjoy it. Mature up and just leave, go find a new game or hobby, instead of haunting this place like a sour madman.


What’s really stupid is your whole thought process. Sorry you suck so bad that you can’t win. You being a crap player and not winning and wanting to shut the game down because of it shows how pathetic and immature you are.

You know, what you’re displaying is psychological spite, which aligns well with psychopathy, a severe form of antisocial personality disorder.

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The internet is known for containing the turht and only the truth… :smiley:

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And how many people have you surveyed to obtain this information? Or is it just self projection based on the fact you can’t accept you suck and want to see if people think the game is dead to ease the stress on your ego so that you can justify the fact that you suck because its a “dead game”?

What Karabars said is pretty spot on. There are many other learning sources they could go to. If you search “sylvanas talent build hots” or “how to play sylvanas hots” in google you’ll get several results that aren’t the hots forum like links to build guides, youtube videos, reddit threads. I’m pretty sure this is the case for almost every hero.

When I was a new player, I didn’t even know this forum existed and just went to icy veins with help for hero builds. I am confident that most people would do the same.

Um, yes… that is the point. You’re upset that you can’t win or else you wouldn’t feel the need to post this thread. You found something to blame it on already, “silly pairings” but that didn’t work to satisfy your ego since Xenterex basically made that point moot. So now you have your ego shot at again and need something else to explain why you created this thread. You’re pretending that you’re given out some PSA to the new players… when new players probably won’t ever stumble in this forum. Just give up the act already… you know you’re just mad because you’re bad at the game and have childish/psychopathic behavioral tendencies to stop everyone else from having fun because you can’t.

Also, It is you who has the psychological distress because of the dissonance you have between sucking at the game and not wanting to accept it, hence why you created this thread in the first place.

Will Self wrote a (IMO not his best work) book titled “My idea of Fun.” It’s a good title because what is fun for one, is not fun for all. So your “crusade” is essentially pointless, like it or not, people still enjoy playing Hots.

It’s also a bad joke to spam this here on a forum with (being generous) perhaps 20 active daily users. You should try the Hots Sub on Reddit instead, but I wouldn’t hold out hope that you will receive many up-votes for your red hot takes.


i already knew u were ignorant. u dont need to type the same things over and over.

i write again, the main issue is not to win or lose the game.

It might be all of those things, with a dash of attention seeking, we probably shouldn’t be giving it to him, that includes me! If he posted this on the Hots Reddit, it would just be downvoted and ignored.


Its hard for people to not reply to something. It takes an incredible amount of self control that I think no one here possesses. If they did, threads like these would be post less and ignored. But as you can see, it caused people to reply up to 5 times. Best we can do is ignore it from here on out.




Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like to go against premades but damn, shutting it down because YOU’RE unhappy? Man, that’s arrogance on the next level. Grovel, peasant, because that is what you are. You are the lowest of the low.


Running away is sometimes the best option.

This problem is not personal. is global.
i wonder why the opponent is asking me why the pairings are like this? Of course because we have better game control than them as a party (synergy).

I don’t know what your point was because English is clearly not your first language.

However, shutting an entire game down due to your feelings is dumb as hell. Get out of here.