Silly pairings - shut down servers

Why are these pairings like this? As a solo player, i dont want to be matched with players who have a group.
No need to keep servers up for dead game. Unplug it now

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Why are these posts like this? As a forum browser, i dont want to be reading these posts that just ask to end the fun for everyone.
No need to keep posting these over and over. Delete this now


If youā€™re matched against a group, then youā€™re probably put in a group yourself.

Also, people who play together arenā€™t necessarily good.

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Letā€™s review this last statement.

Turn off a game many people still enjoy playing because one person is miffed that they had a bad matchā€¦

Or leave the servers on and the miffed player in question either stops playing or grows up and realizes the world doesnā€™t revolve around them.

The match maker isnā€™t perfect but I feel it does a good enough job everything considered.

It can only use statistics to make a match, it canā€™t know that one sccou t is a smurf that has been playing on new characters and decided to try hard and pick a main in a match or if someone with relatively stable stats decided to play hots hella drunk for one night.


yeah i agree it should be shut down . i played with an uther who refused to stun and when i asked him nicely to do it he said : ā€œyour momā€ . players like him donā€™t deserve to play .

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Even when we are not in a party, enemy team have party players all the time and they always like 5,4,3 in same group members this is not fair. And always matching with same players.

Note: I posting cuz want to warn new players to leave game as they wonā€™t have fun just toxic cancer game!

Majority of my games are solo queue and I expect a few people will disagree with me but overall I donā€™t think itā€™s too bad.

The times match making seems poor to me is like between 3-6 am gmt when there arnt that many people playing and there are probably no one else to match you up with.

Iā€™m assuming based on your post that you are blaming team mates or ā€œunfairā€ opponent stacks for losses.

Iā€™m having the opposite problem atm, iā€™ve recently picked Alarak up and want to practice him at a reasonable rank without being a liability to higher ranked teams.

Iā€™ve had 17 games on him and iā€™m around Gold 2 - 1 getting alarmingly close to plat and iā€™m inconsistent on him sometimes embarassingly pushing opponents away from my combo instead of towards me and iā€™m somehow climbing.

If the matchmaker was imbalanced and putting a stronger team than mine against me all the time thereā€™s no way iā€™d be going up in rank.

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blackmoon in a party, facing a party

blackmoon in a party, facing a party

in a party, facing a party

in a party, not facing a party :open_mouth:

not in a party, also not facing a party :open_mouth:

For missing context, this particular topic seems to be whining against Ranked mode whereā€¦ surprise surprise, thereā€™s more incentive for players group for draft.

Otherwise, thereā€™s plenty of reason for the servers to still remain up, but since you seem to be more keen on the shortsighted parts, the magical capacity for something to ā€˜always be the caseā€™ stems from people being dishonest and unobservant. Funny thing, most games tend to also go bad when people arenā€™t paying attention to what is going on in favor of fixating on a complaint.


You know youā€™re defending new players against a free to play DeAd GaEm, right?

Do you work at the cemetery and tell mourners to not visit? Do you complain to your boss that cemeteries suck and they should shut them down?

The best way to shut down the servers is for you to shut down your computer device.


lol I gotta say thatā€™s pretty hilarious how he responded hahahaha

This post isnā€™t just to the op but to anyone is frustrated trying to rank up.

If you go into ranked focusing purely on results and look to your teams failings or the matchmakers you will probably get annoyed, stay around the same level, give up and possibly even come and make a thread complaining about it on the forum

However if your main focus is on improving, iā€™m not saying throw games iā€™m saying instead of only looking at the winner/loser screen and blaming the tass who never turned up to team fights for the loss look at what you could have done differently.

ā€œMan I keep dropping that combo, iā€™ll hop into try mode for 5 mins now and again to get it down and might have a couple of quickmatches to practice it.ā€

ā€œOther solo laner contributed about 5 k more exp than me. I probably could have dropped out of a few fights that didnā€™t contribute anything and soaked more, we were behind 2 levels the entire game.ā€

ā€œI got invaded a couple of times when I was soloing camps and couldnt see the enemy team on minimap. Next time iā€™ll ping for help, if I donā€™t get any help itā€™s roo big a risk to go for that camp now unless I get visual on enemy team.ā€

A few broad examples but obviously itā€™s pretty much endless what you can learn.

Then you will probably stay around same level for a while but eventually you will probably improve to a point you will rank up without even trying.


Didnā€™t we tell you to turn off chat? Why are you still here complaining every single post you make about the game. Do you not have something better to do? Or do you like the pain HOTS brings you? If this is a fetish, more power to you, but keep that stuff to yourself and in the bedroom.

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u have a stupid and ignorant outlook.

You sure? Cause it is you that is asking for something pretty stupid.

Just go away and leave those who still enjoy the game alone.


i usually play group games with this account. (Attention to those who are just starting out or returning to the game, if yu donā€™t have a group, u cant win.) if you want you can check my solo games (i am not in a party, but still facing a party :hushed: fair and fun pff)

Depends on the region. I heard NZ is so low populated that you cannot avoid the 5men masters smurfing together. Most ppl cannot win against that.
But in NA and EU, if you struggle solo, you play poorly.

yeah i am sure.
people? There are no players in the game. absurd pairings are proof of that.
i told you this is a dead game and needs to be unplugged.
Thatā€™s reason enough.

So because you no longer like Hots you feel nobody should be able to play it? I donā€™t understand this mindset at all. If you dislike Hots simply uninstall it and donā€™t post about it here.

If you have valid feedback as to why youā€™re quitting, sure go ahead and post it, but thatā€™s not what you have done here.


What do you class as winning?

What I mean is are you playing quick match, are you hardstuck silver, are you in plat or diamond struggling to rank up to masters?

I play majority of my games (iā€™m going to say roughly 75 percent) solo queue ranked.

I had a few month breaks from hots and made a new account because I wanted a fresh account and to use mainly heroes iā€™d never used before.

I stayed around silver for a few weeks now iā€™m gold 2 and iā€™ve picked up another couple new heroes. Iā€™ve had games with afkers, trolls, had loss streaks. I think ive played somewhere around 3-400 games in ranked.

I climbed to plat on my other 2 accounts so it appears iā€™m about plat level so that is where I will end up if I play enough ranked games.

From what iā€™ve read people diamond and above have long queue times so is there a good reason to try and get above plat? Probably not worth the stress.

You havnā€™t elaborated where your struggles lie so iā€™m going to suggest an example that you are stuck in silver. Either you belong in silver, havnā€™t played enough games to climb and have given up or you play during the small amount of hours that barely anyone is playing where the matchmaker is totally whack.

All based on my own experiences of course.

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i dont understand ur mindset either. of course i will share a post. i am sharing a post to guide those who want to start this game. To prevent them from getting cancer