Sick to Death of Overtuned Specialists

If you’re burned out by those things, you’re setting yourself up to be miserable at just about anything you do.

If someone is playing rock, paper, scissors and all they do is throw a clentched fist, then paper is going to seem overpowered.

One of the basic functions for human success and enjoyment comes from the capacity to “anticipate” something — from basic essential functions, to daily commutes to work to recreation — the ability to observe patterns, make predictions and act on events before they fully happen.

Each of the heroes conplained about here have conditions for how they contribute and the means of those condintions are indicated in a myriad of ways where someone can anticipate their actions, and act acccordingly.

With the mavels and abundance of distractions and overstimulation, people can delude their senses of observation and processing to the point they find themselves failing at basic problems and just look to lash out and blame any and everything else that isnt themselves.

Each of the asked list of questions has an easy answer you could figure out yourself, and honestly should put in that effort for yourself and these are easy patterns and predictable conditions that have those heroes only selecively excel over any other pick in the game.

Xul can do absurd amounts of damage in very specific circumstances. When he has enemies grouped up and has taken the auto-attack skills, his Scythe attacks can give him an absurd DPS and sustain, and it’s cooldown gets reduce to be almost constant as long as the enemies are stupid enough to all stand in an arc in front of you. However, this is a very specific instance. He needs to have a minimum of 3 heroes in front of him for him to get online with that level of power. Doesn’t make him broken, just means you have to save a blind or cc for him when he starts to get online.

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well if u didnt get it i was just adding to his list of things u didnt have to complain bout its just a good joke ya’know :stuck_out_tongue: and for the record,

well a quote in the game where rag tells kael “RAGNAROS: I AM UR SOURCE OF POWER, DO NOT MAKE ME REVOKE IT” so this fire is still his, all the fire is his .hes the FIRE-lord, and i cant see why he would be damaged in any way.

much as everything? its the reason we got dis joke cause we are contradicting the nexus stupid logic XD

wellll consider having a limit to their true form and the inabillity to do it for a while, also why do they play with their life if they can do it 24/7 whilst being THAT weak against the enemy XD, dosent make sense. why put their life at stake if they can by choice transform to their true form.

ill give u dis 1, still tho, killing death isnt rly logicallly correct XD, even in diablo 3 thats garbage killing death itself, no matter if they transformed to death or whatever, death is death. but since the nephalem are shown with immense power ill mark dat 1 as a correct.

hmm maybe i shouldve been more specific cause im not rly an english speaker. i meant that theyre rlly weak, what are they suposed to do to lords of hell,dragons,champions,wizards etc… like. HOW can they defeat em? why are they even here?

yea sry but :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: MISTAKES WERE MADE :stuck_out_tongue: i am a new poster in the discussions.

All good :slight_smile:

20 pylons.

you must construct additional pylons

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Pretty sure Blizzard is trying to get away from the whole “specialist” thing and moving them into a Range Assassin role. There is a huge misconception that certain heroes “NEED” to lane.

This isn’t the case at all anymore, and Azmo is the perfect example. Sure you can build him to push lanes, but good Azmos build him as a Team Oriented Assassin.

Working as Intended perhaps?

You mean the fact that there is no such thing as “Specialists” in the game anymore? I guess that means you are right :stuck_out_tongue:

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Try not to think about it too hard. - Uther Lightbringer

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Was waiting for this.


They want Nazeebo to be a Mage… they need to bring my beloved spider toads back… Revert him back to the OG Naz!!! I miss that Crack Head sprint of his…

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It always amuses me when people complain about how OP the current Naz is. The old Naz you didn’t even have to hit a hero for his spiders to chase down any nearby hero, you had a weaker version of vile infection as baseline, his Gargantuan would remain up 100% of the time at level 20 (unless killed) and chase heroes on a huge leash and would even follow with you if you were in the old GOT or DK vehicles.


Man I miss terrorizing the enemy team with a horde of spiders… it was the best zoning tool he had.