Should Morales' grenade push allies too?

If there was a lvl 1 talent that allowed Morales grenades to push allies too, would you take it?

This is assuming you’ve already experimented with the ability thoroughly and can make an informed decision about how good it feels to use.

Should this ability be basekit?

Would you change anything about how it works here?

Is such a feature a terrible idea? (criticism is welcome, I’m making this post for fun and to get people’s thoughts).

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Only reason it would be good is if your team gets caught in a Mosh Pit and you are lucky to not be in it. Then you throw the grenade and push them out. But it already do interrupt ETC if you hit him so what els should it be good for ?


With Garrosh’s Throw it at least gives the person playing Garrosh a significant amount of control as to where the teammate’s will land. The same cannot be said for Morale’s grenade which has a set distance, knockback distance, and is far less controllable.

It would take a lot of pre-planning and observation NOT to mess it up and knocking allies into a worse situation. It would also need to be a seperate talent as otherwise if it was baked in or just a talent people that use abilities because they have a cooldown would be even more annoying than they are now. Rare is the Lucio or Morales in vs A.I that actually has the mental discipline to save their boop/grenade for when it is needed and not just to playing musical minions.

If it was all in one, it the potential to do more harm than good is up there. Oh sure, you saved a Valla that got yanked by Stitches, but now you have the enemy Xul in the backline with his Poison Nova primed and ready along with a bunch of minions as well.

Or you try and knock an enemy hero towards your butcher as they pursue an enemy hero but wind up having it landing between. Whereas the basic grenade would just boop the enemy hero aside, now butcher and their target are on opposing sides of the country. Or you miss and boop them both closer to the enemy structures resulting in the Butcher taking unnecessary damage from structures or enemy teammates.

I just do not see this being a good idea for an ability that would then become very unforgiving if misused. Perhaps in higher levels of play it would be good, but for regular players I foresee many an angry teammate.


Haha, it’d be fun to experiment, but it’s hard to say without testing. Grenade already gets blamed (often unfairly) for disrupting gameplay. This would probably just add to that. I feel so long as it shares the same functionality as pushing enemies, it would just be a lot to keep track of and a lot of unintended consequences.

For example, one of the primary uses for grenade is as a peel. If enemies collapse onto your heal target, if you don’t detonate it at the exact time between the enemy and your ally, you’d just push your ally back with the enemies that you also pushed back, and further away from your allies that can help. There would also be instances where you are chasing a target and sometimes your grenade isn’t quite fast enough to bop the enemy in, but those grenades would potentially boop your allies back which makes it feel even worse.

If it had its own separate grenade that was ally only, I could maybe see using it, but if it shared a CD, I’d still probably not use it.

It’s crazy to think back when grenades didn’t have activation and required weird trick shots to get the most use out of them. There was an elegance to its design back then and felt more responsive.


Alarak would like to have a word with you.
(Also Zarya and Gazlowe.)

Also like Garrosh, it could be used to troll.

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if it were to exist I would imagine that it would be similar to stitches hook allies ability so that you can choose between them, without upside I can’t imagine it would be picked as a talent it would probably need some other thing like +armor unstoppable or something idk