Samuro Way of The Blade vs Deathwing Interaction

So i was playing a match as deathwing when i noticed that i was getting 30 spell armor? how?? well Samuro’s Way of The Blade, indeed reduces armor of deathwing but as a result of how his plating works he instead gets 30 spell armor + the reduced armor samuro is attempting to do with barely any luck as it refreshes every 2.25 seconds making deathwing mega tanky accidentally.

Not sure I follow what you mean. Way of the Blade reduces physical armor only from Critical Strike hits.

Yes it reduces physical armor, but because it reduces that armor it gives deathwing spell armor for some odd reason

That’s odd, because WotB caps at 15% Physical Armor reduction. Do you have a replay file or screenshot? Are you 100% sure you just weren’t at 3 armor plates? Spell Armor has a purple icon.

Okay so if i could post links or photos i would show, but every plate is 10 armor right?
so when the talent takes into effects he gets as much spell armor as the armor of the plates give so 4 plates = 40 armor which means 40 spell armor + 35 physical armor if effected by -5

When you have standard armor it displays as both physical and spell armor (Since normal armor does not actually have it’s own stat, it just gives you both types of armor) so if one of those gets reduced it often splits them into 2 different numbers on the display. Could that be what you’re seeing? He’s not showing as havIng 60-80 spell armor is he? If so, I’ll have to look at other interactions with this.


yea that’s exactly right, since it’s not a buff but a passive it just get’s split into two but the spell armor is the same amount as the plate armor he had but the actual physical armor gets reduced by samuro, if i could have any way to show a photo i think it would be much more understandable, i can’t make it more clear

And the bug here is what? His physical armor is meant to be reduced by Samuro with that talent. His spell armor is not since Samuro cannot reduce that. Hence he should retain the same spell armor while only his physical armor is lowered. Deathwing plates provide both physical and spell armor. These values can become separated if affected by a debuff that only applies to one type of armor and not armor in general.

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i thought his plating is supposed to only give physical armor?

Nope, this is just a clunky UI issue

Deathwing has a flat 40 armor, 30 with an armor play missing. Each critical strike removes PHYSICAL ARMOR, so it splits the two types of armor in the UI, making look like say, 15 physical armor and 30 spell armor, despite the fact that the only thing that changed was -15 physical armor.

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Plating gives flat armor, not only physical. At 4 plates, he takes -40% damage from all sources including ability damage.

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