Samaro Clones; Unbalanced

Need to lose health percentage based. At most, three white swings to kill one.

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Is Samaro a defect illusion of Samuro, who got his own intelligence?

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SAMARO TRACKER ZERATHUL are broken. Blizz plz NERF them!!


It’s-a me, Samario. Zug zug, wahoo!

Anyway, they come out with his portioned health, so… poke him, his clones come out gimped.


Not the point, he floats around spewing out full health clones that soak lanes. They need to lose health percentage based.

Right, but he can’t do that once you poke him out. If he stays from harm and effectively uses clones to mitigate damage then he’s rewarded; conversely if you constantly take opportunities to damage him, you’ll substantially reduce his pressure by indirectly nerfing his clones as time goes on. Junkrat, Raynor and Thrall probably show good examples of picks able to keep damage opportunities high and mitigate their damage taken. Of course he can pressure non assassins, because they lack the tools to deal with an array of targets who need to be damaged, not controlled.

Of course, picks like Kael’thas who rely on ground target and spreading effects will suffer as well, since he has a fun little specialty in being particularly slippery.

Having said ALL of that? Yeah, 25% extra damage from spells or something might help leaven situations where he feels a bit too oppressive.
But you also don’t want them to be squish shows that pop immediately.

They aren’t full health though.

You can easily tell which are the mirrors when you hit one because the real Sam has a large health pool while the mirrors have a much smaller health pool so your abilities will take out a larger percentage of the health bar.

I wish you had seen Sam before they nerfed his mirror’s damage to a tickle.

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aye, everyone knows sammy be OP. nerf will come soon.

Don’t you realize that this is obviously a Troll thread? XD, surely it was based on Tracker, Moolforion and stuff.