Salt Mountain: Insert bad game stories here

The conspiracy is there is sadly no forced 50% win rate, so I’ll be “forced” to endure some really painful loss streaks from time to time.

There is. Blizzard just wants only you specifically to be able to lose games, and not get free wins after. The rest of us all get auto wins obviously lol.

(If you get disconnected for no reason, it was because some players on your team were on loss streaks while you were on a win streak, and it obviously will not let everyone win)

New Tassadar still sucks after 3+ years
I hate Valla
Playing Tlv on the small map vs Vallera is sufferable (with hyper carry Tracer)
Valla players are selfish pricks (looking at you, Sami)
Doing tooth for 3 hours is pain

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:100: :100: :100:


I did go back and read all of that spicy stuff lol :hot_pepper: :bell_pepper:


(this user has been permanently banned from the heroes of the storm forums)

Yesterday in QM I had a Valla leave immediately. As the game was starting, Genji warned us that we’re not going to like the muted Lunara. Sure enough, when objective started she went to sit it base. She sat in base for most of the rest of the match until it was time to lose. She went back to lane top then we pinged her and she walked back to base :exploding_head:


Some people who got muted think they’re punishing Blizzard by sabotaging games.

Even though no one in Blizzard will even know what they did, and the 5 players who won are pretty happy.

It’s just misdirected spite.


Hanamura is my least won map unlike Hanamura Temple.

Gosh ehheh shivers to remember that map for being so painful.


Oh goodness I forgot about that map… the teamfights were always so weird

Remember Haunted Mines? I miss that map…


I played in 4 men and we got a player on Hammer. He did the most random crap, picked the most ineffective build vs his counter picks and died the most.

We had little chances as 4v5.


Just had the dumb idiot Hanzo complain over dual LM with teleport+ wave build in aram (interrupts for 3 channeled spells). Says we need ORB to create pressure while he is also casting from Afrika and couldn’t even land a sonic arrow in the bush to prevent us from losing half of your health to Nova every 10 sec. Unsurprisingly his only yellow hero portrait is Abathur which he did vs AI. It’s sad that some players can’t accept that they’ve lost because of a meme composition with no crowd control.

Before that we were offered 5 healers, but only 2 of us pick them. Here comes Varian without shield wall or mortal strike. Why would anyone even pick Varian next to two other tanks when there is a possibility of playing against 5 healers.

This didn’t happen, instead we saw Imperius+Gazlowe. I ask for him to stay away for a while as I am already at 50 treant stacks before lvl 10, but he keeps running in and dying before landing a hit because he has HP pool of a minion. We could have squeezed four times the amount of damage out of him as a tank, simply standing still with Rehgar’s lightning shield on him. He says we lacked damage. Then why pick Varian in first place?

I had the displeasure of seeing one of my friends play whitemane
they immediately picked inquisitors prayer
tch I thought I showed how to play her better than that

you jest but i am offended

fetch me my pen of rage

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QM => my team had a premade of 3 (Ana, Aba, Kara -_-")
premade should be allowed only one of healer+supp

To the Valeera in ARAM, who had the option to pick our only frontline, with the choices of Johanna/Thrall/Valeera, who took Val because; “I’m bad on Thrall and Johanna”, and then fed 22 deaths (yes that’s real), I hate to think how bad your Johanna is!

It was a very frustrating match, as despite the Val dying more than once a minute early game, we somehow kept up the kills, and fell behind in exp only slightly, and even made it to 20. One of the players asked the Val just to just “do nothing”, but that didn’t stop them from trying the old 1vs5 for the 20th time.

I don’t blame you! I did mean to ask you; if you were given free rein to redesign Inquisitors Prayer, what changes would you make? You can outright delete it and replace it with another talent, I’d also be interested to hear your thoughts on that.

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The look on my face when our team’s Sgt. Hammer was turned into a chalk outline for the eighth time in a row by the A.I:


make it baseline
replace it with radiance
and make indulgence give armor instead of movement speed

Further more I’ve had enough of ARAM and borderline how it get deleted completely

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So smile like this then?

Or would you prefer:

*Please don’t report me for posting nightmare fuel!