Rexxar's W bug (press W, nothing happens, lose CD)

I haven’t figured out under what circumstances this happens; but sometimes when you try to stun with Mischa, you press W and nothing happens; yet you lose your CD. And this will most times get you killed. It is a game breaking bug if i ever saw one. It reminds me of Cassia’s old bug where if you pressed Q and then E, you would as well lose your E’s CD without doing anything. Except this case is more complicated i guess… because there is no direct cause i have been able to notice. I actually stopped playing Cassia because the bug was so gamebreaking i would have most of my deaths be caused by that Bug. Now i’m having the same problem with Rexxar and it breaks my Heart. Please dont take one year to fix this one as it happened with Cassia’s. Greetings from Germany.


Can verify this is still happen, usually happens near a wall or leash rang, possibly also when you try and command misha to move… VERY frustrating but, and can cost games

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This happens to me literally every game of Rexxar I play. At least a couple times. Feels like recently it’s been happening more often.

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That’s why i don’t play him.

Can confirm that the bug is still consistently happening in January 2020.

I would say that in normal gameplay about 1 out of every 5 W’s bug out and go on CD without the ability going off. That is quite significant.

Most of the time it happens when there is a lot going on in the battle and I issue a lot of commands to both Rexxar and Misha. (a lot of D presses)

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Best I could think of is issues with mouse placement that cause this, similar to how Kerrigan’s combo will fail if you position your mouse slightly outside of the spell radius (leash radius / snap back range). This behaviour isn’t very consistent among heroes.

What I mean by this? When you take standard range (lets take ranged auto attack distance), one hero will only be able to cast spells if you click the button both within the radius and outside the radius (Nova Snipe for example), while for another hero the ability might not cast at all if you target the cursor a little further away.

It’s hard to demonstrate it without a video but if you played nearly all heroes in the game you would have noticed some inconsistency with the mechanics of spell casting by now.

This is the best I can give you for now, once you understand this limitation you can easily adapt your play style and your issue will stop being a problem.

I could say that I have never ever had problems with other ability casting in HotS. All other spells work very consistently.

Also I indeed understand the differences for ability casting outside of range (I remember they specifically changed this for Zeratuls Blink long time ago).

I think the problem here is because you cast the spell from Misha - basically another hero. And if you issue too many commands at once, the delay to server batches them so that stun is cancelled. Thats just a theory though.

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Except it’s impossible this is happening in this case because the phenomenon you are describing doesnt work with “charge” like abilities, such as misha’s stun or any other dash.