Rework Alexstrasza

and that’s generally a bad idea.

necrobumping topics tend to completely ignore the previous context of the topic before hand, or rather, any counter-points made to the op. In turn, it takes the existing post count, makes a topic look more active than it had actually been, and then presses new viewers to look at older material that, more often than not, doesn’t actually pertain to what the bump, and following replies, do.

You don’t point back to the OP, you don’t refute counters made to those replies, and have posted nothing that couldn’t have otherwise just been made into its own topic. And given that this is a Trouncer topic of all things, you’d have been doing yourself a favor to just make your own topic.

Otherwise, the appearance of ignorance all the rest of the topic above pretty much goes in line with the issue seen with alex: it looks like you’re ignoring your surroundings, disregarding what people advise, and then denounce all the disliked material on concept alone.

So for posters, like myself, that were around for previous topics, can feel largely compelling to just quote ourselves because the present dialogue just looks to borrow the previous out of lie.

If you have ever seen an excellent Alexstrasza Player on Infernal Shrines, you know what I mean. She is the best healer for this map.


I mean , requesting a rework for a character that many enjoy and very seems to be complaining about may cause some frustration , but if you develop well over your points , it can make sense if everything is logical.

Not really , Q build is one of her most consistent builds available. In fact its a go to for many people because of how mobile it allows her to be.

Also , if you have alexstraza on your team , you deffinitely do not need a second healer. I have solo healed my team plenty of time as alex and never had issues.

Trust me , no lol

But it compensate the fact that shes one if bot the most potent healer in the entire game. Its deffinitely not uncommon to see a good alex healer for 100-150k in a normal game lenght.

Thats right.
Its supposed to be used in safe areas away from enemy pokes.

I would not be against a talent somewhere that could reduce he activation time.
It could definitely be developed over.

Its best to use as a poke.
Unless going E build/ dragon queen.
Damage doesnt need to be high. Shes a healer. Not an assassin.

Thats why you wait on moments you know you can cast it . otherwise yes , its asking to get nuked.

Oh god lol .
On that we are deffinitely on a disagreement . the amount of last hit kills , save and self saves ive made with this is too damn high.there is no way you can use that argument on this one.

Just saying… Flame build is often the one reffered as the troll build because it cuts that much on alex’s healing output .( unless you know exactly when to pick it and why. Which many players dont )

You can pick that one almost anytime and everyone is still going to love you for picking it because its that much good.

For me that probably my least picked talent of that tier. I pick it. But quite rarely to be honest.

Not really.
Focusing too much on dragon queen can be a problem if the fight is too mobile/ long and cant follow.

If you went life binder , its upgrade is definitely worth it.
Cleansing flames could be a hit or miss. Its really about the situation but synergies really well with E build.
Mark of red is good on a team with low HP , that 500hp on everyone can really make a difference when enemy dives them.
Last one is an other good option if you went E build. That make you gain a very large amount of HP in fights. Many underestimate this talent but if you build for it right and pick it when its the good time. You will Deffinitely get great value out of it.

She just need the player to be careful of positioning and poking range. If your spacing isnt good , you will struggle garanteed.

As for alex vs medivh , medivh is a bit harder to play but alex just need to you pay attention to everyones spacing . if you do it , you wont have any issues :+1:


Do you know that you answered to a year old Post?

Requirement: Stay above 75% hp
Reward: 398 healing (lvl 1) on 3,5 seconds cd which costs nothing

Honestly, that is a pretty good deal.

I think it is because players want to do as much dmg as possible no matter which hero they play.


I think stats. E build has a much better winrate, by 7%, including with lucifer’s settings.

At low rankings, people revolve around high numbers, partly because a lot of padding and poking is going on. 5k damage and 10k healing by level 2 is not uncommon. That should motivate healers to pick throughput talents.

The Level 1 Q talent counters itself, healing often means more health lost (traded), so it turns off. It’s practically a quest: reach level 7. During this window the enemy can take the advantage. I’d swap the two.

It seems to be strong enough to push enemy squishlings back, preventing damage done or opening the window for a kill.

Having lost all matches doing over 100k against healers doing 50k, 20k and 10k, then winning with 30k, I assume these numbers are not really meaningful / effective. One would expect such a difference to carry, or at least make it close.

Ha damn it !!
Whos necroing a year old post here :man_facepalming:

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OP was last active one year ago on the forums so you wont get any answers from him. He properly quitted the game too.


Just scroll 6 hours back into the topic and you find your panda.

Id kinda like some buffs. Problem is alex is a very strong niche healer that wins games in her niche so its not really possible to buff her. Id just like her to be more playable when countered/other maps than infernal shrines. Thats not the only one there are more obviously.

But yes all the issues that you brought up were l2p. E gives her great waveclear, scouting, peel, dmg, and camp taking potential. Q depends on build but is normally saved for teammates in dire circumstances while w is sustained healing. She basically comes with 2 ultimates and can autowin fights. As alex you have to choose which ones to auto win and which ones to take the l and save your stuff