Rework Alexstrasza

59 days is only 2 months, not 3 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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darn you got meā€¦ :confused:

Instead of opening a topic, Iā€™m gonna wake this one up!

I donā€™t understand Alex right now. Checked just before the patch and her best healing builds were at 44 and 46% respectively, with full damage talents achieving 49%.

Even though I can achieve good numbers on her - 100-200k healing done - it doesnā€™t have any effect, which I find genuinely weird. 200k against 30k, Tyrande wins. Uther wins. Sure, it could be that my Diamond teammates are well below the skill of my Silver enemies, but anyway.

So itā€™s not like she needs any number buffs.

I think that her design is completely backwards and she is destined to fail every teamfight, maybe unless the entire team works around her to avoid any damage whatsoever, and never take a fight unless Dragonqueen is available - every 150 seconds. People ignore W, Q build fails as soon as any damage is taken or just one flower canā€™t be picked (I do heal the tank but maybe I shouldnā€™t). 0:4 streak is not a statistical score, I had worse with good heroes, but she feels so utterly pointless.

But why?
How do people win with Alex? The tricks mentioned above are bollocks. Sorry.

I think she needs some kind of rework too. This big delayed AoE heal is not really working out. Hereā€™s a cool idea, rework it to be an AoE heal that immediately procs 3 times in succession on the same spot.

Atleast it is a worthy topic to necro. But people just need to figure out were to place her W and dont facecheck tanks when you use dragon queen or flame ult.

But i should not b surprised this topic comes from someone who are a tank main and have no clue how Alex works.

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Oh darn, I thought this was a juicy thread and then I saw ā€œLCDā€ and I knew it was a necro. :frowning:

You place a safe W for your tanks and bruiser to heal so they can engage at full health and win a team fightā€¦and they canā€™t be bothered to stand on it. :frowning:

Something like that could be nice.
I could use a level 1 that completely replaces W with a massive self-heal.

Itā€™s like, I just cast it under someone finishing a camp, they mount up and run away.
ā€œDonā€™t heal me, stupid fat woman!ā€

On occasion I take the W build at least the level 1 talent so I can at least force a healing globe on my team!


Especially if you have a Deathwing! ā€œHere, Iā€™m FORCING you to take my heals, DEATHWING! Canā€™t deny this one!ā€

Sounds like a fair idea. Thanks!

Usually I only do this in QM, so many people just donā€™t have the patience to stand in abundance in QM. So Iā€™ll take that and life blossom. Not a great synergy but it helps a bit for those who just avoid your W like itā€™s poison.

Alex is not amused in this one.


Heck, no! Alexstrasza is awesome as is and i really do not wannt to lose another supp/healer to some silly rework.


Yes! She has her weaknesses, but strengths too and is unique. I donā€™t want another homogenized healer thanks. :grinning:


I donā€™t think she needs an entire rework. Her abilities are fine.
Issue of mine is the requirement that she shall never get below 75% health. Maybe the delay on W.

Maybe, given how mandatory E build is, some of it could be made baseline. Reduced mana cost, a tiny slow, and you could get the current build with the current talents.

Imagine a damage dealer that deals damage based on their health percentage. The opposite of Zulā€™jin. If you take damage, you lose damage. She is the healer equivalent.

Just played last two matches to 5 where all I did was EEE, and W under myself. (I know you will read it aloud funny!) That, and teammates were cooperative in the 2nd. I had 20k healing or so in each match, and won them both. (Enemy healers did the same amount. Level 20+ matches.)

When you EEE, you are fairly safe and donā€™t lose health anyway, so it kinda works. If you are good, might even heal nicely. I can see the appeal.

She is the first hero in this game that got % healing like we got % dmg. She might be abit weak in 5v5 team without a tank to peel for her. But with tanks and bruisers on the team she shines.

Itā€™s not terribly hard, part of the required skill and very rewarding; so no change needed there. Just dont pick it into heavy poke or dive.

Option for counterplay is a must for such a powerful ability and placement/timing is part of the skill required to play her well.

Apart from the slow i never even pick those.
Iā€™m seriously quite confused what makes people think they have to go for the E-talents.

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Iā€™ve yet to see many people going full E build, to be honest. It is often mentioned as her only trap build.

She has immense healing with either the full circle of life build or life blossom allowing her infinite Q heals as long as she can stay at high health.

I guess itā€™s okay for dealing damage, but there are so many better heroes for dealing damage than flame buffet Alex.

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Yet in aram 9/10 people I see go E build. its only reall viable when your team has a lot of self sustain. You lose a lot of team healing for itā€¦ I hate seeing alex pick it.

Honestly I donā€™t t hink Alex is in too bad of a spot. I generally prefer q on 1, movespeed on 4, and q on 7 and itā€™s your bread and butter outside of your dragonqueen/ult combos. The movespeed helps you avoid a lot of skillshots.

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Oh ?
Have you checked in high elo?,2.49&type=win_rate&hero_level=20,25,40,60,80,100&game_type=sl&league_tier=master,diamond

Yep, sheā€™s a hard hero to master, just like Whitemane whoā€™s 49% on average, but 55% on skilled players.

Now, how to play her better?
Land your skill shots, position your W better and time your dragon better.