Rework Alexstrasza

alexstrasza is broken and needs to be fixed. her entire design is inefficient and needs to be modified. she needs a rework from the ground up and i absolutely think she is the most bizarre hero in the roster. her talents are imbalanced and her kit is not logically designed. i will explain this to the best of my ability to combat the inevitable tidal wave of disagreement resulting from favoritism or other biased opinions.

her q is busted. she takes any form of burst damage and her healing is instantly and drastically cut. this basically limits her viability to double support compositions. this is a severely limiting factor and needs to be buffed immediately. not to mention she has no way to instantly prevent damage to herself, therefore she is the one of if not the most vulnerable healer in the game, and this mechanic has a huge negative impact by default.

her w is so obviously telegraphable to the point where it actually causes your team to take more damage than it can heal, making it viable most exclusively in out-of-combat scenarios. 3 seconds is WAY too long of a duration for it to scream ‘cast your aoe nukes here’. this is so counter-productive i cannot believe it actually was made live, this spell almost directly assists the enemy team to land their aoe and crowd control when used in combat.

her e is worthless for anything besides countering a stealth hero, because it does not heal and the damage is pitiful. it can be used to clear a line of minions reliably and that is about it. its dps is too low to risk putting yourself in danger by getting close enough to use it in an actual fight. anyone with common sense is going to target alexstraza the second she comes anywhere close to your team, and her using this spell on the enemy puts her in range of their spells which makes it useless as a poke tool and should only be used to clear a line of minions, reduce her dragonqueen cooldown while laning, or prevent the enemy from capturing a channeled objective assuming she is not put in danger by another ranged hero or something like the butcher, tyrael, or other single-target diver.

dragon queen is too easily interrupted. you must use it outside the area of battle unless you want to be obliterated by mashing the ‘stun me’ key. also, given her lack of survivability this must be saved when playing against things like ice blast or pyroblast to avoid inevitable death. the channel time for this should be removed altogether.

cleansing fire is also too easily interrupted, and cannot viably be used as an escape or survivability spell while in the thick. you have to use these two abilities at least half a screen away from any crowd control threat unless you want to be ended right then and there.

her talents are incredibly imbalanced. there is only one real viable talent path.

flames of fury, which doesnt even seem to work properly. it is obvious why you should only ever choose this talent.
heat exhaustion, clearly the only viable talent in this tier.
fire within, if you choose anything else you are trolling.
cleansing flame and life binder are the best parts of her kit, both both still highly flawed in ability to be easily countered. cleansing flame can be very good but is easily countered by any form of mobility, sustained healing, shields, and other forms of damage mitigation (armor)
life binder is incredibly situational and also easily countered because of its visual que.
her 13 talents are all viable, but pacify is clearly the best choice against anything from artanis to illidan and i dont know why anyone wouldnt pick it.
draconic discipline, clearly the only sensible talent in its tier as well
i think that red is the best 20 talent, its too good to substitute for something else unless you have a massive %hp damage comp threat exclusively in which case you should go life binder talents otherwise pick red because nothing else makes sense, especially the buffet talent which reduces your attack speed by 25%.

alex is weak, immobile, telegraphable, and virtually defenseless/incredibly vulnerable. she is countered so easily that it is astounding to me that she made it live in this state.

the fact of the matter for me personally is that i have never feared an alex. she seems to have little impact on the game in a combat scenario. her ‘buffed’ dragon form is still weak. she gains no armor or shield without talents, and thus becomes more more vulnerable to %hp damage, its just bad design and you have no choice. the best thing for a team with alex to do is avoid fighting until 10 and go get camps, then try and bait the enemy team into engaging against dragonqueen/cleansing fire combination. these abilities have high cooldowns and if you mess up or they disengage you’ve thrown the game. the enemy should instantly contest the objective after she has expended these abilities. she is so weak in human form it is just a joke. not to mention she is hard countered by healing reduction, making things like ana and xul render her completely useless. she can still be polymorphed which seems silly, garrosh can still throw her (no cc reduction can save you there), and overall this form has way too high of a cooldown even with her talent which seems to only work if you hit them at certain times. also, once you are off cooldown hitting people with her e to reduce the cooldown is clearly not going to do anything, its just bad. not to mention she starts off the game on cooldown, meaning she cannot use dragonqueen in the mid skirmish, although that is the least of my concerns. the only thing her dragon form should be used for is to grant yourself health and push the enemy away. if you go charging in as a dragon, you will die as it does nothing but give you maybe 1 burst spell worth of health.

she really needs a once over to fix her epicly glaring weaknesses and her lack of real strengths. i can think of so many more reliable healers i would rather have on my team, she has no niche and her power curve is wildly skewed.

her difficulty rating should be ‘very hard’, in my concrete opinion she is harder to play than medivh but i think she needs to be reworked to fix her absolutely broken design.

luckily i have enough experience with this forum to understand that there is a totally unfair censorship system and i save all threads. it is sad that this happens because my post was clearly falling short of legitimate violation for which it was flagged. it is also stated that it is removed manually. you should be ashamed of yourselves by consistently supporting and empowering the obvious troll abuse that goes on here. you can’t just remove someones thread because people don’t like what someone has to say.

i repeat, alexstrasza’s design is senseless. weak, inefficient, telegraphable beyond reason, and i believe that she is a total liability to her team a large potion of the match. she is more effective out of combat than in. this is not befitting of the dragon queen who fights deathwing. it would take a god to play alex to perfection, she is so unforgiving that i can’t even see a reason to risk drafting her. she is an incredibly high-risk, low-reward hero that needs an overall mechanical rework to make her versatile and viable in general. she is so easily countered it is mind-boggling to me that she hasn’t been adjusted since her release.

i will continue to play alexstrasza and update my analysis if my observations are found to be false. i am no game designer but i have played enough time and enough heroes to determine that something is blatantly wrong with her. i was excited to play her, but now i see why she is of no threat to me whatsoever as an enemy and a hero who i wish could be replaced as a teammate.

i firmly believe at this time that she is badly designed and needs a rework as soon as freaking possible. maybe i just don’t click with her and her difficulty level is too high for me. seems unlikely, but ok, maybe im just bad with her, but after some practice i absolutely feel like my position is valid. you are not required to agree with me. this post is here to just state what i feel is obvious.

you wanted the wall of text, you got it.



I stopped reading here. If you’re getting bursted as Alex, you’re way out of position. No one to blame but yourself. And Alex does well with a second healer because she can help with her lack of selfheals.


I think it’d be nice if they allow her to use her Q on herself, healing herself for 27,5% of her missing HP :stuck_out_tongue:

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agreed. she needs a more reliable self heal than one that requires her to stay in a chromie q or a zombie wall, or the million other forms of things that will kill her in combat.

and you stopped reading and proceeded to vindicate my claim that her viability is limited to double support compositions or she is toast against anything from leoric w to maiev tethers. i also forgot to mention that her mana costs are way too high. thank god she has a mana refund on her E.

i cant believe her q works the way it does and she has to sacrifice health, and thus healing, just to heal. in my opinion it makes no sense.

i have noted as well the ability for her to reset her w when exiting dragonqueen. this is a good thing, but is almost required to get a decent heal through damage that will inevitably come when people see her seed on the ground. not to mention this increases the amount of time a damaged ally needs to stand in one place to get the benefit. this is especially bad for melee heroes. i just think it is poorly thought out. alex is a classic example of a high risk low reward hero, this mechanic is just too impractical to be utilized effectively without suffering massive punishment from the enemy.

i like how she feels

you get to 7 with q build and have infinite qs if you position well/make good decisions

lifebinder OP

W build OP

slows and poke are very pesky if space for aggro alex is made

dq OP

Level 206 Alexstrasza main here!

Alex is fine and I have none of the problems you detail in your post. I know in the past I’ve bemoaned the usage of the term “git gud”, but I think it’s applicable in this situation.

For her concerns with Q, just stay back. I’ve played against masters and even full teams of Grandmasters who were unable to touch me due to my positioning.

If teams counter your W, this definitely sucks. If the enemy has an Ana, Kael, or Junkrat, the only thing you can do is put your W’s farther back away from their abilities. You just have to adapt.

E rewards consistent accuracy, which I can appreciate. Nothing more to add here besides get better at your skillshots.

If your Dragon Queen is interrupted all the time, just activate it farther back. Not sure why you weren’t able to discover this on your own. Same thing goes for Cleansing Fire.

E, Q, and W build are all viable. She does have one primary build but you’d be just fine running any of the three. She has good talents on each tier, not to say there aren’t lackluster options.

Lifebinder is good if you’re thinking two seconds ahead of time. Don’t cast it when your ally is at 5% health, cast it when they’re at 50% and you see the enemy Greymane/Illidan/Malthael jumping on them.

Not disagreeing that she has vulnerabilities. Every hero has vulnerabilities in some form or another. She also has a lot of strength such as the best healing in the game, one of if not the best wave clear of any support, best zoning and sieging of any support with Dragon, and some of the best longrange poke.

I don’t often discredit people’s concerns about heroes unless I have a great deal of experience playing or playing against that hero. I have played thousands of Alex games and thousands of games against her. She’s good in the right hands and bad in the others.


You’d think after several years people would stop feeding the troll… nope!


Its’ less that people ‘asked’ for a ‘wall’ and more they want particulars expressed rather than just assertions. While your post contains details of your experience, the parts you present as ‘facts’ particular to ‘logic’ are generalities and sweeping assertions. When you use more details, the message isn’t consistent so the “logic” of what you want doesn’t seem genuine or ‘valid’. (lotta "begging the question pleas)

Each item you present is isolated with a forgone conclusion on the weakness, but little by way of acknowledgement of compensation offered in the kit itself – “q” is busted and has to be ‘buffed’ – in a game of skill shots “are you not dodging?”

W, similarly, seems to neglect how to lead, bait or zone with the ability…

and overall, your premise seems to neglect the relationship between her numbers potential, and the opportunity cost compared to other support heroes.

She has, talented, about the best hps for both single target and aoe healing available: a protected alex can put out incredible amounts of healing and damage. While your experience being your own perspective is undeniable, the extent you want to assert personal empirical assertion as “fact” for game balance seems offset by presented evidence that isn’t your own. The ‘reality’ of that position (others having experiences) seems more like a hostile realization such that you would demand the world to turn around you to change a light bulb over a twisting motion of your own wrist. :confused:

Players like orange juice, team plays on youtube, or tournaments via masterleague do demonstrate players have found ways to offset the weaknesses you focus on in favor of finding particular strengths, esp on select maps where dragon form can pressure the objective.

The trouble with trying to assist in widening your particular perspective is you have developed a reputation for wide sweeping assertions that you’re "right’ mostly because you say so, and then don’t engage with topics beyond mild frustration with anyone that doesn’t happen to agree.

Have you considered watching other replays of people playing alex?
Commentated videos can do wonders for providing a broader perspective others can ignore as ‘reality’ is only as so far as people are willing to consider it being: "truth is stranger than fiction,’ so to speak.

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Everytime I see a bronze player saying “HURR DURR CAST ALL AOES HERE XD TRAP W SKILL!” I facepalm.

You know you don’t have to enter the circle until it actually channels, right? You can only step there for 0.1 seconds, as long as you caught the heal, you’re good to go.

If you sit there for the entire cast guess what, you just proved that you are the TRASH player who actually doesn’t know what he’s doing. Congratulations. Shame they can’t rework your brain.

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Unless you are level 30+ with a positive win rate with Alex, dont ask for a rework.
Sit down.

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I agree that her single target heal could use some baseline buff. Or have a formula that gives more consistent healing.
I think overall it is fine in her kit.

It also is a very large AOE which means in team fights you can use it in a fight to get heals you otherwise would not.

You’re using it wrong. Or looking at it wrong.
It can do two big things:

  1. draw enemy nukes.
  2. be cast in a big fight and get heals you wouldn’t get with other healers.

okay. You obviously don’t understand how strong it’s poke damage can be. Alexstrasza has very good wave clear/pushing potential because of this ability.

I’ve almost never had issues getting it off in a few dozen Alexstrasza games.


oh, tell it to me?

hahaha. HAH. That’s a joke right? The only viable talent?

lol again. Although, I do think this is generally the best talent of the three myself.

Do you not understand what the other two talents do?

Cleansing flame is meant to be an aoe heal that does a little bit of damage. In some cases you can chase kills with it.
But it primarly is a healing ability. So yeah, it’s pretty poop for dealing damage.

While I have seldom taken it, if you use it on a hero to stop them from being damaged… That is actually worth a lot. It makes it’s healing numbers look worse, but you’re ignoring the prevented damage (or rather, dissipated damage) into other, presumably “less important” heroes or minions/summons/etc.

You complain about her being squishy and having to be in danger… and dismiss her armor on being stunned? ??? the cognitive dissonance is strong in you.

I think all of the abilities have justification, it depends how the game is being played and what the teams are. I do agree in the sense that I feel that Draconic Discipline is typically the best of the three. Especially true if you went life blinder.

If you’re talenting flame buffet, it means you get:
CDR on your dragon form on heroes already hit
massive 60% slows every 1.25 seconds on heroes already hit
10% of your max HP every 1.25 seconds on heroes already hit.

I haven’t used it much, because I do agree that Red is typically the best.


Based on your post history, you play more warriors than supports so I’m not surprised your positioning with a back line healer is bad. I recommend you play Kharazim and Rehgar since those 2 seem to fit your style of aggressive play more.

When W is high risk, high reward.

This is just another case of you not playing the hero long enough to know what you’re talking about and you just want to complain because you cannot play her like an assassin. If you want to keep playing Alex - don’t cry about it. Learn to place your W’s and position yourself better.

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She is not cool. She is fantastic, she is the best, one of the better-made heroes.
Super mechanics, super balance, great talents, animations

A nice change would be make her ult, Cleansing Flame, the first 5 minutes ult, with each enemy hit/allied healed lowering the cd by 25 seconds…

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i don’t know much about her first-hand since i don’t have her, but she usually seems fine to play with or against, and she seems to have a lot of potential in the right hands

like, i recently saw an absolute monster of an alex. as tracer i spent the beginning of the game getting picks on her because her team couldn’t catch me, but by building into Dragonqueen and going for Cleansing Fire, she eventually became almost unkillable. respectable damage too; suddenly our dynamic had reversed and she was pushing me out of team fights!

i should post the replay when i get a chance—it was genuinely inspiring to watch… even from the losing side q:

The only thing I regret whenever I play Alex is that there never seems to be a reason to go E build.

With how much healing Q build gives and with you likely being the only healer, I feel like Q build is pretty much mandatory

Yet E build is so much fun, I would rather just play that instead…

Hi Endlave,

Q build is indeed very strong. However, if I’m concerned that the enemy team has good poke or dive making staying above 75% health difficult then i go for a different option.

To the OP,

Alex is a tricky character with some obvious weaknesses. However it’s weaknesses like this that make her such an interesting, engaging and fun character.

She’s not the best in every situation but good players can still compensate somewhat. As OJ mentioned, if the enemy team is good at zoning your green circle, then just cast it further back.

Knowing when to use dragon is also key. Doing it right feels good. Most players try to use it as a desperate attempt to stay alive. This is suboptimal and usually doesn’t work.

Dragon is a pre-emptive spell; it’s a terrible reactive spell. Cast when youre at full health and ready for a big team fight. If youre already in dragon form, divers are a low risk to you as they can be pushed away easily with your wings. If youve waited until after theyve jumped you to try transform,
Youre probably going to die.

However, if you cast dragon too pre-emptively, the enemy team will just walk away and wait for it to expire. Again, using it right is the hallmark of a good player.

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Being the best Alexstraza player in the world (well I was) I can say that Alex is fun and is for the most part fine. Her E build is a complete joke but other than that her talents are pretty diverse and offer lots of choice. Level 16 tier could use some work as there is clearly only one choice there but I’m sure they can look into that eventually.

The buff to her Abundance CD was huge as well and will have even more synergy with DragonQueen.

Note: I haven’t played HOTS in 3 months.

She’s amazing. I would change nothing. All her builds are viable. You can go q or w build and still heal well. You can go flame build if your team has some decent self-sustain or another healer to help and both of her ultimates are great choices depending on the situation. That’s a major accomplishment on Blizzard’s part if you ask me.