Resurrect this Game

To whom it may concern

I am a streamer who loves this game and have spoken with several Players who also do. this game still has great potential as it is incredibly addictive and fun to play. we could use new skins as well as items for our toons so that we may customize them, as well as events and rewards for team play an even pve raids. us streamers will grow the community but please provide us with new material.

thank you.




Li-Ming in particular needs more skins, she’s rather overlooked.

Sorry, I mean Ragnaros.

Most of us would love this game to still be receiving updates, we can only hold out some hope that Microsoft will see some potential in Hots. Until then, I’m doubtful any significant changes will be made.


Sees title

AURIEL whatcha doin’ slacking off!?
imperius gonna be angry
imperius… already angry

(tis a reference but I’m not sure if people will get it)

:rage: :dagger:



I mean for me it’s a bit hard to pull off, Blizzard loosing some of their talents and they need to ship new games and mantain those that are profitable, doesn’t seems like its happening. Unless they change their Directive and CEO and start actually caring again their games which I think will happen eventually (1-10 years?) not sure really when.

The other way I see it, if microsoft goes through the deal with approval, then they will be able to finance the revival of this and include it in their MS Store (lol).


skins for Ragnaros or Liming what other content do you wish to see?

I have been waiting for over 2 years for boat to get over a 40% winrate…this is my 1 and only wish…


Till Bobby Kotick exist in AB nothing will change.

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Every day I wake up, I recite my daily affirmations:

“Today I will be happy”
“Today I will be successful”
“Today, HoTS will be revived”

0 for 3 every single day.


i took aegis instead

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Ya job is to heal the team not deal damage
look now imperius be angry
tyraeal just fell from heaven
malthael turned into an emo

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Keep praying, we got 2 patches in 2 days. Might be working.

I Absolutely agree! I think the addition of a battle pass culd revitalize the game, offering new unlockable heroes like Lilith or Lorath Nahr, alongside unique skins and customization options. This could bring a fresh experience and additional incentives for both new and existing players. Here’s to hoping for a rejuvenated Nexus with new content to explore! :star2:

Sire Denathrius

I just watched a DotA2 guide cause my friends made me download it and I was about to puke. Single map, a chaotic item shop, you have to last hit mobs, deny your own mobs, basically a pve game, the only objective on the map is a same elite mob which spawns every 8 minutes, weird controls and movement. LoL is no different.
You can do constant pvp action in HotS without the worry of any above. You don’t even have to lane at all, you can kill a camp and abandon that lane and go for pvp. I guess it shouldn’t surprise me at all though as they haven’t done a single thing right past 10 years. Microsoft came in charge with high hopes and only thing they offered was a full price 70 euro game in beta state which costed me 1500 units of my currency btw, cause they don’t have regional prices, while I bought tons of stuff for 150 units that I couldn’t even spend in Dauntless last month. So why should keep playing a huge time sink game like WoW or a Diablo 4 and spend my money?
WoW pvp feels like chopping the same tree for 30 mins in a survival game. Diablo 4 pvp doesn’t exist, the little pvp you is either getting one shot or one shot another. Overwatch is a fps game and not a great one. Yet they are all active and even has tournaments.
They can easily spare %5-%10 of their resources and commercials to keep HotS alive and it has more potential than all of them combined. They pulled the plug two years ago but it has more audience than recently released Diablo 4 tells the whole story tbh.


Developers lack competence, plus managers will get in the way.

The devs haven’t even had a chance to try to be competent. Management has sent them all to other projects.


I mainly been keeping my eyes peeled for the Cho’Gall playable in everyway possible update I explained and mentioned so Cho’Gall can be playable peacefully

I keep saying the same. You can’t fault the Devs for their lack of work, or imperfect patches when they aren’t allocated the time and resources to do anything significant.

The devs are rarely at fault. It is usually the suits breathing down their necks, making changes on the fly, pushing unrealistic deadlines, forcing time crunches, and just disrupting the development team in the false belief they are doing something positive.

The hayday of triple AAA games was when the higher ups were rubbing shoulders with the developers, wearing shorts, crinkled up t-shirts, and were just as big of nerds as the men and women making the games. They were all in the same office building, if not some cramped garage, so there was little to no type of barrier between head honcho and dev. There were no shareholders making demands either, in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if such small studios did not even have shareholders.

Just go and look up the heads of Blizzard, Bungie, or any other game a couple decades ago to then compare them to the people in charge now.