Repeated AFK in a row should be in leaver queue

I played with an Abathur who named themselves Leaver and then proceeded to do nothing most of the game pushing a button here and there just enough not to disconnect. They are of course reported but it was hard to believe they didn’t just stay in leaver queue until banned. Please improve this process by

  1. Leaver queue if multiple reports in succession for afk.
  2. Ban from game if afk in leaver que in succession for afk.
  3. Provide feedback on outcome of reports.
  4. Make it clear the the community that inappropriate behavior is not tolerated.

Right now it feels like a free for all. My happiest gaming times are when there are no akf’s which is a low bar but rarely achieved these days.

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You’re asking to return to a time that has come and gone, where people respected the game more. We can’t get the 1950’s back in this country, they’re just…gone. It’s OK everything has it’s day.