Removed for inactivity in draft for pre-picking Cho'gall

It has happened twice to me now that I get removed for inactivity in a draft when I pre-pick Cho’gall with my friend. It seems to be completely random which one of us get applied the penalty of leaving, get the leaver status and lose ranked points for it.

How does it occur?
It happens when your team has already picked a hero (first pick), and in the second round of your team picking heroes, one player has no hero selected, one player has a banned hero selected, and two players have Cho and gall selected. If no one picks anything, the Cho or the gall player gets removed for inactivity.

Do I deserve to get removed from the draft because my team is refusing to cooperate and select a hero? No. This very same issue was reported last year, and nothing seems to have been done about it.