The Diablo and Overwatch heroes in this game are the most broken heroes for the longest of times in this game. They break the game, the remove any aspect of fun this game has, and if the team consists mostly of either theme than you may as well give up. To note this is my experiences specifically in QM or ARAM not Stormleague.
Sonya: High health, high damage, high healing. Great lane precense and can almost never be soloed.
Valla: Do i have to say more after the recent patch? She has always had high damage but now she’s insane and highly picked as well as her win rate sky rocketing.
Li Ming: High Burst damage, decent mobility, doesn’t need to be in danger ever while dealing high damage. Very annoying to fight against and is not fun.
Naz: One of the best lane pushers in game, high damage, and high health pool potential. And that toad build is the most anti melee build i have ever seen. Probably needs the least amount of nerfs.
Cassia: Annoying, cancerous, to much range and dive potential. She needs to be only one, we don’t have illidan casting fel bolts or eye beams from range before he dives. Her ults are insane as well.
Diablo: Most beefiest and cancerous tank this game has ever known. His health pool is massive and his ability to disrupt and put people out of positions is insane. This dude is a train and his health needs squished and his cds need to be longer. Even muradin pales in comparison with this dude.
Mephisto: Probably one of the best balanced heroes diablo has to offer, I don’t really think anything needs nerfed. His other talents outside of his lightning ring build probably needs buffed.
Butcher: The scourge of quickmatch. This dude is so game breaking in quick match if used properly that it makes people rage uninstall the game. This dude can only be countered through a hard cc train which can be counter almost any hero in game to be honest. His biggest weakness is he has 0 escape and is easily punished for being to aggressive. In storm league you can pick his counters and make him useless. Honestly this guy just needs a complete rework.
Tyrael: I got nothin this dude has been one of the weakest tanks in game for the majority of its life time and he’s in a decent spot now and doesn’t need to be touched much.
Imperius: By the gods, this guy might as well be god himself. He’s extremely strong with high damage, good cc, great defensive, and good self healing. He just needs some toning down.
Azmodan: This guy’s q build carries his team. Massive damage that can alter the flow of any team battle, his other builds are ok or under performing but for a mage with so much health and so much damage with such a long range something has to give.
Khaz: Honestly as a melee hero he’s doing a great job. But his dps palm really needs a small nerf.
Leroic: Only issue i got with this guy is how many people think its ok for him to die because of his trait, perhaps a new trait to deter people from thinking its ok to die a lot? Idk but he’s fun and not broken.
Malthael: This dude is pretty much useless outside of being a weaker version of Tychus. Does great against heavy health pool teams, does poorly against ligher health pool teams.
Plus his other ult that isn’t the execute ability is almost never picked because why pick it?
Xul: He’s gone through a lot of talent changes and now he’s really beefy, outside of that there isn’t much of an issue with him.
Ariel: This is a tricky hero because its purely player dependent. She can be god like in heals where its just outright broken or completely trash depending on how team fights flow and the players behind her.
Deckard: Outside of his crap tons of cc i think his cds for it might need to be a bit longer as well as his mana potion talent needing a minor buff.
Johanna: The other beefiest tank in game (another diablo hero what a shocker). Tons of health, tons of cc, tons of self healing and shielding, she just needs a good nerf bat to it all while increasing her almost non existential damage by a little bit.
Now if you’re still reading, I thank you and now we move on to the Overwatch heroes.
Hanzo: Other than his long poking damage this guy is fine, if you buff him you make him broken, if you nerf him he’s useless, he’s one of those heroes who probably wont be great to pick unless you rework him.
Lucio: I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. Honestly the only thing i find annoying with this dude is his mobility and being hard to focus down. Pretty balanced though.
Tracer: This character is amazing and destructive. If you ignore her she’ll destroy your team, if you focus her without being a dive character is hard and leaves the rest of her team to kill you. Perhaps a removal of a blink charge and a increase in reload time?
Genji: He’s a niche hero, he’s bad in a lot of situations and pretty good in some. A hero that probably needs reworked completely but in those areas where he is good its cancerous.
Junkrat: The scourge of ARAM. This dude is sheer terror in the hands of a capable player as well as highly fun. Some minor tweaks are needed probably i’m not really sure though.
Anna: If you can aim she’s just so strong, if you can’t she might as well not be there. The range and the CC are just insane. She has prevented so many people from dying with that sleep dart it makes you rage. Also that bionic grenade preventing heals is very strong and outright game breaking if your team healer is alexstraza and she chose the aoe heal build against anna for some reason.
Zarya: Holy **** those shields is the most cancerous thing i have ever had to deal with as a melee hero. You either wait for them to go away neglecting people who need to be focused down and causing a disadvantage to your team or you go all in and make zaryas damage spike to unbelievable levels. A rework is highly needed as this whole support role just needs outright removed from the game.
Mei: When she was released in game she was a terror to deal with, she’s still annoying but balanced for the most part. Its not that she’s broken she is just annoying and unfun to fight against. You might protest and say not being fun to fight against doesn’t mean nerfs. Well tell that to my favorite chromie talent Bye, Bye where her hearth channel was like 1.5 seconds and wasn’t interruptable by damage. that wasn’t fun and got outright removed.
Dva: Tbh the only way she will never be a scourge of fun to fight against if you remove pilot mode outright and buff her mech mode to compensate it. That means removing / changing her self destruct ult thats really not even that useful without garrosh throwing it. A ult should never be trash without another character buffing it. I doubt this will gain a lot of agreement with how much people fantasize her appearance.
I know there are broken / strong heroes in every alternate game they came from but Diablo and Overwatch heroes are in the vast majority. It makes me cringe at the thought of more of these type of heroes being introduced in this game because if another diablo / overwatch hero is added into the game you know it will be game breaking for years to come. I thank you and appreciate you reading this and hope for some honest feedback to make some positive changes in the game.