Remove forced 50%

There is no reason in this game to force win rates. Stop matching people with 32% win rate with 56% players. It does not even anything out.


Let me guess, you lost because of teammates as a result of the matchmaker?

Or you think the game is trying to sabotage you after a win streak?


Correct, which is why that doesn’t happen.


Good thing that isn’t how the match-maker works. Mind you, I do not think it is perfect by any means, but I am of the mind that there is no such thing, and people like to use that as a scapegoat for their losses.

I had a rough day in SL myself, but that is more of a consequence of “life is unfair” than “they are out to get me”.


The fact that there are people who have a 32% winrate proves that there is no forced 50%…


I don’t think there’s such thing as forced 50%, but there definitely is something with matchmaking that puts at least one A-hole on your team each match.

There is no such thing as a forced winrate. But the goal of a working matchmaker tries to give you a 50% chance to win your match.


Remove forced 50%

Done. We needed a little help from the Bronze League Dragonflight but we removed it so hard, that thanks to them it was never even in the game.
Your welcome


I think that has more to do with the fact that 75% of online gamers are a-holes…

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Like in real life, because hots is a game where you play with real human beings? Unbelieveable!

Show me in this picture where is 50% winrate?

My winrate is 70% in this account. I don’t see where I have forced winrate.


Exactly, while matchmaking isn’t optimal, there isn’t some nefarious system out there to try and force you to lose games.

I would love to see matchmaking improve, I personally don’t think it’s in a good state, but the critical differentiation here is that I believe it’s bad because it isn’t optimally designed, not bad because I think the developers intended it to be.


I think it is just bad because there aren’t enough people that play the game. The smaller the player base, the harder it is to make good matchmaking decisions.


But it wasn’t really great during times of high population either. Admittedly there were some small pockets of time where the team made decisions that made matchmaking a lot better, but they raised queue times and people would rather have fast matchmaking than good matches so Blizzard reversed those decisions.

Due to population though, I don’t think it’s fixable at this point so I’m learning to just live with it as is.

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Well Sadius, you are a robot, because you play Vikings (Tooton), your opinion is invalid. :joy:


Well ya know 7k dps 10k dps and 14 deaths 3 games in a row with a low win rate isnt troll right?

Winrates should not be the main factor when it comes to matching people together.

Lol that is not even ranked so.

So smurfs like Fan, who rushes through ranked are fakes? :joy: Even I had a 60% winrate in silver and I am not even a master player… how is that forced?

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What are thou, a developer to know what is happens or not? This reminds me of the dispute between an atheist and a fanatic - one cannot prove that there is no God, and the other that there is.