Remove Blackheart Bay

This map is the worst map, they have in in QM cause the already know is awful in competitive, but they are mistaken, is bad at QM too, just PVE, boring, 0 mechanics, the team with camps clear and easy escapes always win the match. #BringbackHAUNTEDMINES

Forum Moderator Note: These are discussion forums, and petition posts generally lead to mostly “/signed” comments which are not discussion. As such, they are frowned upon. The title of this topic and OP has been edited slightly to address this.


No. I am not a fan of that map either, but that has no meaning as there surely are people who like it.

It is impossible to make all maps accepted by everyone without making them generic and boring alltogether. Therefore i am quite happy that there are diferent maps catering to different tastes.


Suddenly all Xul mains shriek in collective despair.


That didn’t save Haunted Mines.

I liked Haunted Mines a lot. I acknowledge that it was fundamentally borked, but is it really worse than BHB? Even if it’s not “worse”, Blackheart’s Bay has the biggest hatedom by far.


Exactly, I enjoyed Haunted Mines alot, yet they remove it without asking, and besides i believe the reasons of why was it remove are no longer applying…so either they remove BHB too or Bringback HAunted Mines


Haunted Mines was imo the worst map of all in every regard and the only map I disliked.
Yet I miss it from the map pool. Nothing (map/hero/cosmetic) should be removed entirely from the game.
So I don’t want BHB -a map I like- to be removed.

(P.S.: petitions are forbidden on the forums iirc.)

Imagine having a different opinion.


Haunted Mines was terrible though,

Take skull boss => Push exposed keeps and forts with minions.

Try to tale boss => Embrace an ambush

Golems also become so broken that they will push a lane that don’t even have keeps.

Also Petition is like a no no here.


But…I love that map.

Yes to bringing back Haunted Mines, btw.


There are more people that hate BHB…so is not an “opinion” but a general consciousness of that map being boring and tasteless by the majority

I hate the mechanics of BHB but the pirate theme is kind of amusing, so I would vote for rework instead of removal.

More focus on chests, less focus on camps.

Objective only spawns at certain times.


If they are going to remove any map, then remove Warhead Junction instead, that map is total trash. BHB is fine as it’s quite unique and actually lets you have big impact on the outcome with good macro play with a hero who is good at doing camps and pushing.


That is exactly what I said, its a QM map for a reason, there is no macro in competitive is a trash map, WJ too; in BHB wins 80% of the time with any given hero with good camp clear, how is that a fun mechanic?

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It’s fun mechanic for people who enjoy playing those kind of heroes.

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BHB needs a complete reword. That map is just boring, annoying and i dont know anyone who likes it. Pure PVE pay to win map

Your name is noobmaster69!?

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How bout no? Just remove yourself from this game and go play your single map LoL.


A rework it will be nice, but before changing BHB I really wanted HM back into the game once again. If they “fixed” Hanamura, I hope they could do the same with mines sooner or later.

There are certain aspects i do enjoy about the map:

  • Dynamic contest timing at the turn in point

Most maps have defined objective timings. When the clock strikes 0 you need to be at the tribute on cursed hollows. In BHB, turning in coins could be easy or it could be hard. Clever scouting, map positioning and rotations are key.

  • Coin explosions are fun!

It’s satisfying to score a kill, but to kill someone holding a mountain of coins? Delicious. Conversely, if you are the person holding a ton of coins you feel a certain level of tension. All you want to do is offload those coins but the the enemy team is doing a great job of denying your turn in? Feel the pressure.

If anything, coin explosions make for great wtf moments videos. Note how abathur finishes the fight victorious?


Thy should just bring back the one that didn’t have sappers. All I ever heard about it’s original removal was how strong Syl was on it, that aspect of her kit has been nerfed now so I don’t see the problem.