Remove Azmodan and Ming from ARAM

these two heros are the most 0 skilled in ARAM, just remove it and make the game more even, or add Leo to ARAM

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Remove MM from ARAM .

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Good news, Leoric has at least been added back to ARAM, at least for mirror games, sadly I’ve yet to have an all Leo match.

Ming isn’t the problem. Just stand behind a minion and you block orbs that would deal thousands of dmg. Azmo is a problem. His AOE is too huge and he scales too much. Seeing 80% of your health drop after one ball is just insane. But this game wasn’t designed for ARAM. Many heroes and their talents would need tweaks if ARAM would be the only game mode.

Personally I find Murky in ARAM very annoying, both on my team and on the enemy team. When half your team starts to chase a Murky while the rest of the enemy team blows up your fort, then this just isn’t fun anymore.

Garrosh is also kind of toxic in ARAM because you will always be somehow frontline in one line with your team. Yes, you can try to hide in a minion wave, too, but the tank and your bruisers often are thrown around anyway. Chromie is also way too easy in ARAM. I mean, you don’t even need practice. Just fire and you pad your damage numbers. And Gazlowe’s triple bomb at 20. I had numerous games with Gazlowe’s in my team or the enemy team where it first looked like the Gazlowe team does poorly and once level 20 was hit, it has become into a stomp.

This is how it has been for years in QM. Nothing about him is a ARAM problem.

How is someone who has to be straight in your face annoying ?

Then just win before he hits 20. Should be easy enough.


From an old post of mine a similiar Idea to what Waterlong is suggesting


Sadly every player want thier turn to complain.

True, and both of us predicted that those complaining about mirror games, would also demand heroes like Azmodan be removed, and here it is. Not exactly clairvoyant on our part, just completely expected behavior from those who constantly complain, rather than try to learn and adapt.

Great answer. You can write this everywhere. Just win before anything becomes a problem. You should apply for president of the USA.

Gazlowe is only a problem if you make him a problem. Stop being delutional and make everything a problem just because you cant beat him pre-20.

You could say this about Butcher aswell. Just dont feed him but people still do cause they too dumb to understand how he works.