Remove 5 stack vs duo + 3 single and 5 solos from SL

Whoud be nice to remove 5 stack vs duo + 3 single and 5 solos from SL option. You must Blizzard yet know this option is yet to much unfair. Whoud be really nice do some matchmaking change after so long time. Or minimum punish bit 5 stack and not even more single.


It happens way too often in QM too. 5 stacks getting matched up againts duo teams and 3 randoms. Its like it just prefer to sacrifies duo teams just to give 5 stacks fast ques insteed of waiting a few min more for a 5 stack to show up.

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5 stacks in SL are already punished for grouping up. I play solo, as well as in groups of every size in ranked, and the larger the group, the more of a points penalty you get per match. When I queue solo, I typically win or lose between 190-210 points per game. When I am in a 5 stack, we typically gain 170-180 points per win, and lose 220-230 points per loss. In a sense, this is unfair to the people who solo queue as the 5 stack will not climb as fast and will have an artificially low MMR, so may not be matched against people of equal skill.

One of the reasons you do see so many 5 stacks against a duo + 3 solos is that is the fastest way to start matches while being able to juggle MMRs.

Rather than restrict what size groups can be matched, I think it would be more competitive if larger groups didn’t get a points penalty, but to have the matchmaker use the MMR of the person with the highest rank in the group to find opponents. This will give the people who solo queue a skill advantage, deter boosting, and let parties who are fairly grouping gain (and lose) points at a normal pace.


Stacks are already punished for goruping. It does suck (and yeah I’d love a solo only option) but the real issue is smurfing.

Provided no smurfs are involved the match maker is trying to put groups against higher skill opponents on average or offer less points etc for a win (this is normally the case).

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In theory yes. In reality they win way more than 50% since ages. Somebody in the forum made a statistic with the public available data.

And please don’t link the statistic from a Blizzard employee 4 years back. It’s so old it was from before SL existed.

Since when is 53% “way more”?


These answer while great to try to prove their point it isn’t 100% accurate:

5 stacks are almost never matched against 5 solo players (only 5 games out of 8,410

I’ve had more than that this year already (Both against and where I was in the stack)…

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I guess you get the paradoxon in there.

Even though 53% and 54% for 4 stack might not be 80% those are still the highest numbers. And he really counted all the games, which means it e.g. includes Bronze groups and also people who use the group up function in the game.

If he would have filtered the games for Diamond+ or play “regularly together” the number would be higher.

I could have sworn there was a set of goalposts around here…

54 % average for 4 stacks is actually insanely high. 48% wr for solo queuers is rather low and is not fair. Stacks needs to be punished harder with getting faced against higher mmr players. I’ve seens games where a 4-5 stack got placed vs players with lower average rank than the stack which shows how disgusting the ladder system in HotS currently is.

They actually do get punish quite hard. I made a post about a 4 stack getting matched against a duo + 3 randoms and losing extra points despite the duo team having a clear MMR advantage as well (In this case it might have been something wierd going on, we were on a roll TBH).

There really just aren’t enough players to have a separate queue for singles and groups.

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how about you pick a side .

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LOL 5 stacks are punished!? If you think 30 less points is a punishment then you are mistaken. A 5 stack will never get a afk, a bot or a troll. Not including they can set up the ranks in said premade to make for each matches. Diamond players can get matched against high golds or low plats if you kow what you are doing and we allknow those 2 ranks are a dumpster fire.

It is a 60-70 point differential, so yes, it is a punishment. If you think there aren’t any disadvantages to stacking, you are also mistaken.

Mind you, I am not saying that 5 stacks do not also have advantages, of course I prefer to play in a group whenever possible. I am just pointing out that being in a group isn’t a free win, and even when you win, there is a downside.

Try grouping yourself some time and you will see what I mean, rather than just whining about things you actually have some control over.

totally agreed, been playin for 6 years and i just noticed it just now! its becoming more popular how 5 stacks wins all the time! Blizzard please do something!

If a solo que then everyone should que as solo not against pre made 5 stacks because you already knew 100% that you will lose

I think he tried to the point that the percentage of the stats were unfair rather than a few games with more lost points

I do no solo que in this game unless i wanna goof off. If i am gonna take the game serious I am not playing in less than a 4 stack.

That isnt a disaadvantage when you win 8 games in a row while the other teams are being matched with afks and bots

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I group with people around my skill level on a large server, so that doesn’t happen to me. And if people are really worried about afks and trolls, they can form groups, too.