Reminder about blizz's policy on afk's

They refuse to do anything.
Reporting does not work.
Making posts about the glaring issue they have never bothered to do one damn thing about does nothing.
Making posts that purposefully force them to look at the post by using flagrant language does not work.
They will instead ban you for 1000 years.

And the afker’s just ruin countless hours of people’s time with no consequence.
They have shown they cannot deal with having someone then point out their ineptitude. Their unwillingness to ever take any action whatsover even after someone sacks an account to make a point is outright malicious.

Still nothing is done by folks that are now part of a trillion dollar company They cannot be bothered to lift a finger.

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It’s a relatively good way to learn that large entities don’t care about any individual though. There’s always a bright side to a failing company.

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Most of what you’re lashing out on is a lack of evidence and biased primarily on ease of effort.

When a smaller company is bought out by a bigger one, there’s a bigger prevalence to cutting costs as a short-term means to getting a return on that purchase. Despite microsoft being a ‘trillion dollar company’, they’ll still sack assets from ‘successful’ games because their interests are in manipulating numbers for investors, and less so for actual sales.


You’ve convinced yourself that the acquisition is supposed to magically improve something for HotS instead of wondering how fewer people are supposed to handle doing more tasks.

An afk player convinces themselves that have a higher impact with their disruptive conduct: they do better by doing nothing, or doing the ‘wrong thing’.

In a similar fit of misunderstanding, you have also convinced yourself that doing 'nothing, or effectively ‘the wrong thing’ is somehow supposed to create changes that has been demonstrated to not be the case.

AFK players refuse to do better, roll new accounts, and largely repeat the same thing.

Chronic complainers refuse to get better informed, roll new accounts, and largely repeat the same thing.

They don’t need the game to grow, nor do they care about you having a nice gaming experience. To Microsoft HoTS it’s like West World; they just don’t let it die and probably want to observe your behavior like lab rats in stressful conditions. This trash game only makes people mad and pissed off now. That’s all you need to know… and it wasn’t like that before Microsoft came. I’ve been playing since beta, and the matchmaking is so bad now that it’s hard to believe it’s the same game

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Or maybe Hots isn’t on MS/Blizz radar at all? I’ll give you props for your creative hypothesis, but the reasons for the current state of Hots is probably more banal, it is in maintenance mode after all.

So what’s their excuse for the previous 10 years?
What’s their excuse before it went to maintenance?
It’s always been the same.
They encouraged psychopaths to rule then, and still do now.
That is not hyperbolic, nor exaggeration, even if they are too ignorant to even get wth they have done over the entire course of this games history.
(love to watch others suffer, love to have them in defenseless situations, and keep them there, and get all the narcissistic feelings they desire…these are the 3 main traits…and they can get it all here with no consequence in even the slightest form).
When you have the same players afk for 100s of games, through 100s of reports and making everyone else suffer, with no recourse whatsoever to do a single thing about it. You cannot argue with a straight face.
When the community here defends their actions ad infinitum then you become just as guilty as they are.
It is no wonder that there are so many posts about this any more. and yet what do they do? Nothing.

Again you have no proof that alot of people actually reports them other then yourself.

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That’s another issue. Players refuse to report people. If you’re refusing to report an afker/griefer/feeder/etc. on your team, you are complicit with and accountable for their behavior.

Players whine about trolls yet refuse to report them, which is why they’re still here, with no punishment.


you posting more hyperbole doesn’t magically make you not posting hyperbole.

You’re now trying to retroactively decry the past with what you ascertain from now, but not by having new information, but instead convincing yourself that your ignorance is magically more empowering.

Blizzard has ‘typically’ done sweeping punishments in large groups. You not noticing it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, much the same way that people can just reroll a new account and do the same thing over again, especially in a free-to-play game.

The extent you’re willing to lie to yourself on the personalities you’re exuding from this is just more hyperbole, and then you convince yourself it isn’t; and then you double-down on trying to fault others when they don’t agree with the effectual lies you post.

It’s plenty easy to ‘argue with a straight face’, but that’s just another option you’re not willing to consider in your rote world of magical disconnect and fault-finding. So long as some people have anything else to blame, then they’ll think the world of their own efforts – doing effectively nothing – and refusing to change, do better, or learn more.

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See my post on the subject here:

Itsversayce sums up my position well:

See my reply to you about the report system over here.

You can blatantly lie and attribute sentiments and positions that I’ve never made or held. However, in my post history, I’ve been consistent in my criticisms of all aspects of the report system.


A potential fix I would have like to have seen added;
If you report someone AFK, the 45 seconds timer starts 15 seconds from that point.

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I like your idea. A reduction to the AFK timer when you first enter a game shouldn’t be set to two minutes and thirty seconds, it’s far too generous, a minute would be more reasonable.

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Are you serious that you think that nobody else reported the person for over 6 months. Day after day doing the same thing. Even if that is the case, he has over 50 reports. And then coming to forums, repeatedly, asking for them to life a finger ever. Repeatedly. Then making them read it by breaking ToS. They refused to do anything for anyone coming here and saying similar things. I am not the only one to post about this crap.

All you people defending them are just trying to outethic anyone that says this has been, is, and will continue to be bs.

I am not being hyperbolic at all. Wanna see a screen of the 1000 year ban?

I report them often, especially if they do it often.

All of you that defend this are just high and mighty. We are all wrong. We have never had any of this happen ever because you said we didn’t. We cannot believe our own experience because you said it isn’t real.

For once, admit this is a problem.

You’re going off on a soapbox rant to pretend that the game is run by sadists that pleasure themselves over your sob story.

Just because you claim you aren’t posting hyperbole doesn’t mean you didn’t.
It’d be nice if you were literate enough to read these posts through instead of assuming that any reply toward you is “defending” something. You’ve been called out on posting effectual lies and using an absence of evidence to assert the evidence of absence. When you post wrong conclusions and incorrect claims, people are going to speak out about that regardless of it being about the ‘report’ system or afk players.

If you manage to look past your nose beyond the desperate validation you’re trying to get – in the wrong ways – the ‘problem’ you’re trying to convey persists in all sorts of other games and the conduct has even leaked out into the ‘real world’. Your misguided tirade doesn’t magically fix this game, it doesn’t fix the others, it doesn’t fix ‘life’.

What does ‘fix’ “the problem” is people putting in an iota more effort in learning to be better than they were a moment before instead of repeating the same tripe for years on end. People that look to blame something generally do so to justify that they don’t need to change; your conclusion of “we are all wrong” it’s to say you’re “wrong” it’s to repeat it so you can reject the words you’re pulling out of someone else’s mouth.

Blowing a disconnected set of polarized extremes isn’t establishing a discussion to improve something, it’s just you posting bad conclusions from incomplete data. This is a written medium Kaz, you can put in that little bit more time it takes to actually read something through and reign in the impulse rejection and exaggerations.

I believe you’re cherry-picking, as you have lumped me (and others) into the “all”, when I’ve never wavered in my criticism of the report system, which includes the high threshold of reports needed to punish AFK or INT players.

What I did say to you, is it’s a fact that at least one player has been suspended for dying too often, as my friend was, and they were suspended for 3 days. They shared the email with me, where it stated they were suspended for “disruptive gameplay.”

Just skim these forums, and you will find other people who have posted that they were suspended for being AFK/INT and even for ping spam. So yes, people are punished for AFK/INT, but their accounts are suspended during that period (unlike the first 2 chat silences), so you won’t know they have been suspended when you see them in your game after the suspension period expires.

Many of us here had made suggestions of how the system for handling AFK/INT players could be improved, yet you have ignored those comments in favor of “the forum is against me and loves the report system.”

This attitude leads me to believe you aren’t seeking a good faith discussion of this issue, but rather a faceless enemy you can blame. Blizzard should be using more automation to detect this kind of behavior, and then accounts like this should be flagged and sent off for human review.

In an ideal world, the Hots community shouldn’t be responsible for reporting bad behavior at all, but the reality is Hots is long out of active development and Blizzard is in a transitional period after the MS acquisition, so big changes that might involve hiring more CS staff, is unlikely.

One last thing. One of the issues with AFK/INT reports is that, unlike chat abuse, it can often be difficult to determine if a player is dying often because they are new to Hots (like my friend), having a bad game, or if it’s deliberate. Sure, automation could be used, but you might not like having your account suspended due to AI detection alone, remember, Hots is retired, and I don’t think Blizzard would hire human’s to watch replays to determine player intent.

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No. You are refusing to believe what I wrote. Then blaming me for writing about my experience.

You have repeatedly defended them from lifting a finger. I would pull posts where you agreed it should be harder to get banned for ruining everyone’s experience due to afk, but I can’t since that account is banned for 1000 years on the forums.

There is a simple solution to a lot of the issue, and that is being able to vote for a surrender without punishment. Also put a ‘why did you forfeit option’ and tie it to reports of afk, or outright trolling. I would bet dollars to donuts it would get more people to say why, and to point to the culprit.

Furthermore, it is NOT difficult to detect someone standing in town and then doing the bare minimum to avoid being kicked. Note suiciding repeatedly as fast as possible counts as being ok (like the 10 death Auriel in 7:30 that i just had the pleasure of playing with…and note that this is after 2 minutes in town). So does just walking somewhere and say attacking a camp or a minions and just standing there until you die.

You have demonstrated that you have an aversion to ‘reality’ and aren’t particularly honest, you don’t care about context in many cases, and you revel in double-standards to try to get what you ‘want’.

So when there’s evident contradiction in what you proclaim, you’ve demonstrated you’re less than honest about things that may be influencing some of the bad times you’re trying to load off onto others.

But even then, free will still exists, so you can carry on as you do, just as ‘bad players’ can continue to be bad when they try to throw games and ruin the experience for others.

I’m not blaming you for writing about your experience, but I am pointing out issues with your conduct, expectations, and demonstrated fallacies. As demonstrated with myself and with minky, you effectively lie to yourself on the responses given, don’t care to read through details, and think anyone that doesn’t agree with you must therefore be ‘defending’ the issue you’re having and they are then complicit with the fault.

My concern is generally in pointing out perspectives people refuse to consider, and there’s much you refuse to consider in favor of looping blame cycles. I can’t magically make people play the game, but I can offer two bits that might help someone be a bit more patient and considerate above lashing out on bad impulses.

Yeah, no, I never said such a thing. What I did say is account actions that are taken for AFK/INT should be subject to human review, over using automation only.

Ahh, I see the agenda here now, you want a vote kick option? I don’t think such a thing will effectively address the issue of AFK/INT players, and it will most likely bring a whole host of new problems, that you will then return to the forums to complain about.

Even in the game which have a vote to surrender those who do click it gets downvoted fast. People dont like to play with quitters and base dwellers.