Remember old menu screens in the game feature new heroes in animation?

Tracer and Probius’ were amazing. A shame they didn’t make more since Yrel (Or Fenix, idk).

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Gamers when they realize game design is many things to consider.

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Unfortunately no. We can’t access those menus anymore from the client. Maybe if someone makes a private server one day they can make a mod to enable those.

There is only one problem to that (besides the legality): A WoW/mmo private server can run on a few dozen people. A Moba needs a huge number of people to work right.

Some datamined that I had intended but are unknown to see for purchasing anything here I follow:

  • Today I testing upgrades items for Lucio, Greymane, & Tyrande with I playing Lucio in basis.
  • Many Announcers that I owned seem to mostly Epic but also some Legendary (per 1,200 shards).
  • Lucio & Mei are didn’t moved to Abathur Announcer because it was Overwatch heroes with Assists, but in datamined I wants to go with other Announcers within testing, I taken to Sgt. Hammer Announcer.
  • Alarak Announcer using for Alarak Core Leaders but since immense high cost I will taken later.
  • Winter skins still didn’t available in the Treasure Loot Chests I had answers that will taken later.
  • Mounts still wants to have seasonal-mount like Train had received only one tint more followed later.
  • Heroes to buying: as I answer Junkrat is next purchasing with Hanzo & Genji that I see later.
  • I had reverted to playing as Tyrande tomorrow one thing that if Loot Chest will see her (since I recommended to Whitemane, initially want to buying Illidan, but I see to Junkrat is reverted now).

I know that more things will followed to have like these fanfares but with Junkrat I will crashed them all.