Ranked queue disaster

Please, fix this ranked queue. The “extended time” isn’t working anymore. Short queues (less than 30 seconds) are grouping me with bronze people, despite being gold. It has become impossible to play. How is it that I, as a gold player, am always the one with the higher rank on my team (like 75% of the time)?

Having 10-minute queues is better than playing with people who don’t respect any rules. And the “extended queue” was very good, so it should not have been discarded.

Why do people expect changes to happen in a game that was left behind years ago ? Just play or dont.

Well, the rainbow matches for ranked didn’t used to be as bad, so ‘something’ did change, and if it changed one way, it holds that it could just be changed back again.

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Quick Match is flourishing.

Good matches and short queue. Hardly any toxicity. I’ve been having a blast.

That says something about the state of Storm League.

Why would anyone willingly participate in ranked when the deck is intentionally stacked against you at every opportunity?

Firstly not everyone want to climb a ladder with random people.
Second is wait time is too long and people draft dodging dont make it any better.
Third is most people just want to play this game casual. Not caring about getting better and throws most of the responsibility on those who do.