Ragnaros Lava Surge bugged

Only gives 2 charges, not the 30 second CD reduction. Please fix!

The 30 second cooldown reduction (from 120 to 90) is only applied on your next cast after picking the talent. Flat cooldown reductions are never granted straight away after picking a talent

(unlike conditional CD reductions, like Alarak’s Ruthless Momentum, which will start running faster instantly after picking the talent if he is at above 75% health).

For example, you have 72 seconds of cooldown left on Lava Wave. Your team gets level 20 and you instantly pick Lava Surge.

This will not make your Lava Wave cooldown 42 seconds. It will only make your future casts cooldown 90 seconds instead of 120.
You will however get a second cast instantly by picking the level 20 talent.

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