Ragnaros is overpowered

Can confirm

Here’s a list of heroes I know of just off the top of my head who can clear mercs faster then Rag

  1. Literally any ranger who takes a PVE talent like Raynor Valla (hell I think Valla could clear without Q build faster then Pre 16 rag)
  2. Q build Zul’jin
  3. Several Bruisers like ARtanis Rexxar etc
  4. Hell I could get camps faster then rag on Kharazhim at least E build Khara

Finishing the quest is really not the problem, I do it before lvl7 usually (well did, when it was still viable before 2 nerfs, it’s not anymore). The problem is that the numbers are just not there for Q build (apart from the ultra-niche draft scenarios). The lvl7 aa talent is key to rag’s damage and only E build can take it.
Q build would only work if enemies VERY consistently stack heavily for resets and manage to not kill you at the same time, which pretty much does not happen. And even then E build is not that much worse for fighting multiple ppl at once (shields >> extra slow healing from Q, even if overall damage is lower, as most of E build’s damage comes from the lvl7 aa talent that’s single target).
So anyway, E build does similar thing as Q build and a lot more as extra, also has much higher single target damage.

I didn’t say it’s bad (although definitely not amazing), I just said it’s not ragnaros - it just feels like playing discount liming or chromie (well those 2 will have way more poke, so that’s quite accurate). There’s no reason to ever draft ragnaros specifically to play that build, but I can see how you could fit it in some weird drafts, when you last pick to fill multiple roles. The numbers are fine for meteor build, unlike Q build, so there’s no harm playing it.
The spell shield can be taken with any build, if you really can live without the slow (hard). I personally would go with the slow in any build (even more so for meteor - helps keeping them in the meteor).

Yeah I remember when they would combo molten core into smash it was a ez kill

rag is poop on a stick, he no longer can do 1v1s properly and he was nerfed to the ground with his Q build to deal with 2 or 3 people who have no brains and are melee and just want to charge at him with all 3 facing him so rag can just q spam, you can’t even do that anymore cause blizzard nerf that.

rag is one of the worst heroes for a bruiser, he doesn’t have much hp like other bruiser, he doesn’t have basic CC like other bruisers, rag can’t escape at all he is a joke hero, he doesn’t have much of anything besides good wave clear.

all rag is for is extreme wave clear, if u don’t pick lava wave your chances of winning go down the drain with that hero big time.

assassins changed to bruiser without fully being bruiser in the first place:

extremely outdated old heroes because blizzard didn’t change them effectively to be bruisers in the first place, illidan and qhuira can do just as good as these so called bruisers.


they’re all poop on stick assassins all their damage was nerfed yet they didn’t receive any bruisers buffs but where actually nerfed in tanking thats blizzards thought process they be morons.


Whoops wrong line…

Theres a specific way to play him in order to destroy… I have 85pct win rate with him… no ai games just QM and ranked…

One of if not the best Ragnaros in HOTS climbs to GM every season with him who is also top 20 solo laner with 75pct win rate over 1600 games

Another Xul main here


Everyone is overpowered.

I’m more curious why rag isn’t being banned then people are upset there’s a rag

Ragnaros is subpar in team fights. Teamfights are the only thing that matter in QM. Therefore you’re wrong.

I wouldn’t say that, he can be pretty strong in team fights, if his team his enough cc to compensate that Rag has no CC, only his slow to his E at 4 or an conditional stun at D.

He has a ton of AoE damage. He’s just squishy (which is an intended and reasonable weakness). Double support him and he can main tank like Imperius (but no access to stuns until 10)

If everyone is overpowered…

Just speaking from QM experience, both on my team and against, Ragnaros was a joke. Every time. Even his wave has too huge of a cd for me to give a crap. And his fort merging, just walk away until it runs out, and he can’t use it at objectives. Only as a defense against objectives vehicles.

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I use it on Warhead junction to negate Nukes. But that map used to be Ragnaros’ saving Grace. I can’t find a reason to pick him anymore. I mean, why would you want Rag over D.Va, Gazlowe or Hogger?