And im happy to say it 100% works. I did not lose a single match with 2 supp vs quira even after a few days. Not a single one.Only one we almost lost due to having ana, reghar ,zarya artanis and TB var.That match we took SOO much dmg but won in the end.Darn enemy kael was blasting us to high heven.
So she aint that op in the end. Man is it fun surprising other 3 mates outside of me and my friend. Almost no one thought we were going to win.
Yet in over half of em we utterly destroyed em. It just works.
If a single hero is making you run a double support comp, then something is wrong.
Anyway, my personal opinion on Qhira is that she’s a bully in early to mid game but at late game, she becomes quite useless in my eyes. She just gets destroyed.
I do think she is overtuned, especially her W because it just does too much. Now add the fact that she can move around and you got yourself a big, big problem. Not really OP but definitely overtuned.
Oh and btw, if team focus her quickly after a stun, she dies. Like, really fast.
Soo someone picks qhira that forces you to go for double heal and then you have to pray playing against idiots who do not draft waveclear to choke you out with lane pressure or having someone drafting a good waveclear hero who knows how to manage lanes.
Sure sounds like a nice plan and a good balance idea.
This sentence implies lots of things.
Didn’t prevent nova valeera and chromie to get nerfed because of qm.
I did say you will need specific comp. We usually went reghar + ana since he can waveclear.
But our heal output is usually so massive we can tank waves and similar things.
That previous team with all sustain was on braxis. But we tanked both 4 of em and zerg with insane selfsustain since one of em had to def as well.So 5 of us went all in on 4 of em and lived thru all of it.After all we did have nano + BLust. We did not go down EZ that is for sure.
2 heals means you only need 1 tank. If the other 2 do not pick waveclear you will lose no matter the comp.You adapt.We picked mostly ana first(its a must due to granade) reg second or ana + reghar at start so the rest of team knew what we need.
Its a counter. 2 supp counter her so it aint wrong.
But a counter like that, requires a proper composition, seems too much to handle just one hero.
More or less like when Genji was running rampant and him being drafted meant most of the roster was useless and you had to pick his counters for sure. And even that one didn’t require a different team composition.
I am not saying you’re wrong, I’m saying if a counter for a certain character requires this, then something is definitely wrong. Oh and btw, I don’t think it’s needed. I get that its probably “easier” but I personally don’t think its necessary.
Yup mostly this we went. If there is more melee then BLust from reghar and nano on him,if mage then heal ulti from reghar and nano on mage.Reghar does insane aoe dmg when he goes shield build after 16.
Other good comps are khara instead of reghar since he has block spirit and iron fists and lucio instead of ana if you want the most heal you can pump since after 16 he can heal SOO much with aa lowering heal cd and shield letting your comp get some hp back.You can prb use Whitemane and a few others as well. But you must have some dmg and waveclear.Reghar is great since he does have waveclea and cleanse for that darn spin.Alex can waveclear as well.