Quick Match/Brawl Won't Cancel After I Ready Up

After I select a character in quick match, or Brawl, and click the “Ready” button to queue up for a match, if I click cancel for whatever reason, it does not un-queue me from the match… instead it will still sit there and search for a match until it finds one.

For example… I clicked ready for my last game… decided I didn’t want to play nova, but would rather play Kael’thas, I clicked cancel… but then it doesn’t cancel… It acts as though i did click cancel, but there’s like two buttons that like get projected where the ready button is… and my character is still queued up for the match.

So two things are buggy here.

  1. unable to cancel after queued up for quick match or brawl.
  2. after I click cancel the button doesn’t go entirely away but is see through and I can see another ready button underneath the cancel button, but I am unable to click it… It makes the noise as if I clicked it, but nothing happens…

This last time I had to sit there and stare at it for 15 seconds while it searched for another match in spite of me clicking cancel, and not allowing me to change my character so I know for a fact it isn’t that it instantly found a match for me and I wasn’t able to cancel because of that… This is a bug that needs to be dealt with.

Thanks for the time. I am a computer programmer, i understand the job is never over… GL HF.

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Been complaining about this in another thread. Still ignored.

Was queued up for QM… decided I’d rather watch some more videos on YouTube. Cancelled my queue. Game is still running (my fault??? shoudl i have just shut down??). Go to watch my video… game pops in the background anyway.

This time I just closed the game while it was in its loading screen because i’m sick and tired of it trying to force me to play anyway.

Back to my YouTube video.

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I’ve been having this problem for a very long time and I am still having it; what is the deal, why is this not addressed?

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I came to post this as well because I’ve been having the issue for months at the very least in Brawl. I play these a lot now that we’ve finally got nothing but ARAM. Woot! It doesn’t matter how long ago I pressed cancel, the game is still searching for a match behind the scenes. This is extremely frustrating if a friend comes online, something irl pops up, anything…you’re stuck! You can’t switch “tabs” to other game modes or do anything else to stop it to my knowledge. It’s crazy to think Alt + F4 is the only solution. If I’ve been on HotS for a good while, especially with it idling in the background, Alt + F4 takes more and more time to execute. Makes me think I’ll wind up with leaver status sometimes as the Brawl is a pretty short solo queue time.

Even if I only clicked Ready and waited a couple seconds before pressing Cancel Search, I inevitably get thrown into a match. Every. Time. If this is happening to a ton of people that is a real problem. Leaving/AFK in a match is the worst thing you can do. I’m a big proponent of queuing only if you have ample time to play nonstop. We have penalties for that, but you can’t expect those penalties or that concept to feel just when players cannot decide to back out early on. Most leavers/idlers already feel what they do is not that big a deal, and we don’t need to put any more fuel on that fire. Please fix this old, basic bug.

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