Queue times are insane

Before the recent MM rule changes the longest queue I would get was 120 seconds, now I’m lucky to get sub 330 second queues. Just queued for 545 seconds to play chen of all heroes, then got no healer with a leoric and 3 specialists against a balanced team on black hearts bay to make it better. Even when I play with friends, it can be duo, trio, quad, or 5 mans and all our queues are at least 300 seconds long. These queue times have basically killed my desire to play this game, Smite has better queue times and that game is basically dead. Also, no, I’m not a new player and I am not a returning one.


Queue times kill the most fickle of us. Not saying you’re fickle, just that it’s really hard to have a population or a growing population at that without them.

I mean I’m basically a Vietnam vet for this game, I’ve been playing since beta. Only now has the queue times gotten too insane. I used to complain about smites 3min queues.


What would that make a player from Launch week? Desert Storm vet? Grenada? lol

They are pretty bad. I think it’s due to match quality and map quality degrading. The wait isn’t as worth it as it used to be for me.

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Desert Storm seems pretty accurate, 2.0 players are probably FNGs. Yeah the map changes have been interesting, at least hana is playable now.

These new queue times were supposed to result in better matchmaking, and more balanced teams, but of course, it takes so long to find a match now that the queue search has to broaden its parameters, which puts you right back on janky teams just like the ones they were trying to solve with the longer queues. They took a faulty process that took 45 seconds and turned it into an equally faulty process that takes five to ten minutes. For, indeed, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Can’t play only on an assasins, yes noobs?

the queue time is bat shi* insane. what’s worst is they justify with trying to balance out the team with tank/assassin/healer. ok fair. i waited for 300 seconds. we got full team of assassins/specialist whislt the other team have a tank and healer (the rest becomes irrelevant). thanks blizzard. thanks so much for ruining an already dying game.

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when and where are u ppl playing? i just got around 1.5 min que with zuljin at 7am usa. never had a problem with the new mm yet

Ooph 5 whole minutes. Thats terrible…

I have a freind in leauge who so highly rated he can have 45 minute que times for a 20 minute game.

No kidding, even I am seeing this. Like what the actual hell??? Even when I choose a hero that is in demand with an XP bonus, it still takes about 300 secs.

I mean I dont mind waiting 160 secs or so, but 300 is a little much.


False, since autofilled was put in that doesnt happen anymore and autofill has been in for like 2 years.

Yea…no. in high tier challenger it still happens on off peak hours.

Try again buddy.

Key words.

You try again. Every game has longer Q times in the off hours. I swear people try to be disingenuous and then when called on it, they end up putting their own foot in their mouth.

That has nothing to do with it, I play mainly tanks and bruisers with murky, tass, and aba sprinkled in. Even when I play call of the nexus heroes I get 400 second queues that match me with 3 other supports against a team with no support.


Lol. His normal que time is still 17 minutes. Plus i never tried to insinuate that it was during peak time. I simply said “psh if you think 5 is bad, check out this number”

I play since day 1 technical Alpha… what does that make me?
Just curious hehe… also, yeah, stupid long queue times, i’m waiting for a 400s Kharazim queue right now =/

You’re a straight up ww2 vet

Queue times do seem to be way overboard. I recently queued with 2 other friends. Queue time went over 10 mins. We were placed into a ~200 player lvl game. My friends and I are 700+ player level. The worst part was, our Raynor (bless his poor soul) was player level 15. 15! He was straight out of tutorial player-level. I felt so bad for him. I can only imagine how frustrated he was. :confused:

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I agree. The Queue times are insane! What’s the point of Quick matches that aren’t quick?! Im not waiting 5 minutes to get the same crappy comps i used to get. Blizzard please fix!

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