QoL Request: Talent Planning

If the players make the same mistake once or twice, let it be a lesson for them to improve upon next time. If it happens frequently enough to become a serious problem, it’s time they take a good look at their decision making skill.

Let’s make this very clear: there is no skill involved regarding the problem in this discussion. Absolutely none. The problem is about accidents and the post is on how to mitigate them. As a human being, you have experienced misspeaking or opening the wrong application on a computer. It’s not skill, it just happens. If you have something productive to contribute to the discussion, then go ahead. Otherwise, please stop.

That’s some very convenient ways to shift the blame away from something the player did on themselves, by their own free will.

Well, in those cases, what will you do then? Correcting it the next time, on yourself. Or ask the world to change and adapt to your needs? Also, those mistakes you listed can be limited by constant practice. In other words, negated with skill. Which completely invalidated your very first part of the comment.

Sorry, not every one on this world would agree and/or accept your idea. You can voice your suggestions and I can speak my opinions about it, including my disagreements. That’s the very basic of a discussion.

just use Ctrl + 1 2 3 4 and you will be ok

excellent suggestion
especially the one said that your teamates can see your path (or highlited talents)
it will avoid useless conversations about how everyone is building his character and let players focus more on the game

would also be perfect if you can modify highlited talents anytime on the game as long as you didnt unlock them yet

Dear mysterious stranger who bothered me to post again on the forums until I finally got tired of your nagging and caved:

No, I am not happy about “Favorite Talents”. No, they are not “just like” Talent Planning.

The entire point of Talent Planning was to give the player a way to obtain the talents that they want automatically - something that the community has been requesting, over and over, for years.

Favorite Talents do not do that. They’re just a visual indicator that you like a talent. In terms of gameplay functionality, they are nothing. Literally, and actually, worthless.

Now, if the system caused you to automatically pick your Favorite Talents when you became eligible for them? That’d be nice. I would support that. That is something I would be happy about, and maybe even something that would convince me to come back and play Heroes of the Storm again.

But this is not that.

So, no. I am not happy.