QM matchmaking might be broken

Since the september 27’th patch, nearly every match has been a complete stomp, the common factor in this besides of general toxic behavior and bots, is that the enemy teams frequently seem to be premades (without indicators that can’t be checked…) but the general feel of these teams are way too ‘pre-planned’ and synergised for QM, far beyond what is usual, and impecable teamwork, again, far above what’s usual.

I read somewhere that 5-man teams could only QM against other 5-man teams. Not sure if that’s true, but if it was, it might not be now. Regardless, something strange has happened absolutely after this patch, the quality of matches I, and others I have talked to, have gone down drastically.

I guess I should give a disclaimer. I do not mind stacks in QM as it always seemed like if there were pre-mades, they were smaller in number; but as it has been, I am sitting at a ~30 win rate for QM in the last four days, and it’s hard to try to keep playing when every match is a complete stomp from the start by teams that can outplay anything that comes their way.


Probably because of returning users and that happens almost every game if game gets new update.
But the premade issue is same as usual. It always been bad and will never be fixed.

been getting wonky comps here for some reason as well, more often than usual but can be RNG.

Most of my games right now are 2 front line vs 1 semi front line.

I don’t mind weird comps. I actually like the chaos that QM brings. I love people angrily complaining “GG we have X” only to win because things went well despite not being meta.

This all could just be INCREDIBLE bad luck with QM matchmaking, but I’ve had a fair number of people say their experiences have been similar just after this last update.

a) You have bad luck with team compositions.
b) You have bad luck facing premades.
c) The MM is creating non-premade teams of good composition, by preferring putting together combinations with recorded high winrate, to see if the problem is the premade or the composition.

It would be sensible to run the (c) experiment, given the amount of complaints about premades, stomps, all the while none of it showing up in stats, meaning a lot of premades fail.

I mean, people were convinced that if they prey to their gods and extract the heart of one team member before some activity, it’s going to succeed, be it having a child, winning a fight, or rain coming to the fields at last.

pretty sure it’s rng, but so far every single game is 2 bruiser vs 1 bruiser (my team), it’s really bizzare but challenging to play so its not bad

last game was



me (samuro)

arthas fighting stitches and sonya just leaps on falstad with abathur just deleting him lol falstad had 14 death…

uther healed less than abathur shield.

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It does but when only 10% of the playerbase premade in this game then QM will always end up puting the 5 stack up againts a higher mmr solo team with a duo team in it.

I have 5 stacked before with Bnet friends and only one game out of five was againts a 5 stack

  • Conspiracy stuff
  • Bad luck

Choose wisely.


30% winrate for a few days just means you’re about to go on a massive winrate. This happens to me like twice a month where I’ll lose for 3-4 days and have a 30% winrate and then my match history will be a wall of wins for a week.

The matchmaking is just bad in this game. It’s very poorly designed in trying to maintain it’s 50% winrate target, so instead of seeing:


You’ll see a lot of:


Don’t worry about it too much. General idea is loss streak = upcoming win streak.

Y’see. I hate comments like this. There -could- be a problem, something COULD have broken in the patch. This wasn’t some rant about bad matchmaking.

I’ve been playing this game since beta, I know what to expect, but myself and others had repeatedly commented about abnormal things happening ONLY AFTER the latest patch, and considering there was nothing in there about matchmaking, it wanted a PSA: something MIGHT be wrong.

Have people (and possibly devs) keep an eye out for weird-er things. If it was unfathomably bad luck. I’ll accept that, but right now it’s still not sitting right with me, this doesn’t feel right.

I’ve noticed this issue with every blizzard game i have played. Instead of having an even streak like:Win, Win, Loss, Win, Loss, Loss its more like a large win streak followed by a large loosing streak.

Whenever i come back to either HOTS or OW i win almost every match i play for a whole week but the following week i lose almost every match. And pretty much every match was a stomp so its not like it was much fun even in the winning matches. It almost feels like I just get matched against players that are either a much higher skill level than me or a much lower skill level. I rarely get any even matches in either HOTS or OW.

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I’ve been playing solo Q with a lot of success in QM, with the losses being majorly leavers than anything else.

Group stacking has increasingly become more common because of people wanting to avoid leavers or bent over players throwing intentionally, which in result raised a problem of Queues ending up struggling finding for those people games so they end up randomly thrown into one.

This is nothing new at all, this has been a thing since last year but it’s only been gradually increasing with the time.

As much as there’s to be done, there’s very little, on one side of the coin QM is suppose to live to it’s name by being quick, on the other side QM needs to be balanced, you cannot have both, probably do have both if the population didn’t dwindle with every patch being released.


To be frank, I find QM a lot more balanced, despite obvious rainbow matches spanning Bronze to Masters regularly, than SL.

It might be a problem with my inability to flex on both levels - I’m best with a few heroes, and best when I can streak them. But that’s how I look anyway.

… Why did I involve SL. Anyway.

I suspect group stomping is a high rating issue. I simply don’t get to play in those matches, unless I’m the fifth wheel and likely get carried.

It’s difficult to resolve, just like the meta group composition story back in 2018. One thread wants to disable anything but rostered five mans, the other thread wishes for removing any grouping ability in the game, forcing solo queue. The best thing is probably to not act, as either change would result in an outcry, something like the horde-vs-horde battleground story over at WoW over the summer.

The matchmaking was already bad before the patch and I have the feeling as well that it’s even worse now in QM. Maybe they have (again) relaxed the matchmaking rules due to the shrinking playerbase. They don’t really communicate such changes very frequently.

I expect that Blizzard still doesn’t understand why players leave in 2021. The end of HGC is not the explanation anymore, but frustrating gaming experience would be one.


If you mean Blizzard and not the Devs, I don’t think Blizzard cares at all if players leave HOTS. Every indication suggests that HOTS is firmly in the rear view to those in charge, again not the actual Devs.


I would say Hots devs are passionate about thier game but they cant do much with the resourses thy get from people higher up the ranks.


This has not been my experience (EU, 1-2 matches per day, either in the morning or evening). There have been some stomps, sure, but the majority of the matches have been reasonably balanced and even had a tank/front-line and healer!

In any case, there is nothing in the patch notes related to match-making… :man_shrugging:


5 mans sometimes get put against 4 mans + 1 solo, or 5 singles with much higher mmr.

you can always whisper the enemy after the score screen to see if they are in a party.

You can see them right there in the end screen. “In a party with”
And i mainly play on my solo only account and i meet 5 mans very frequently and it is basically just a 2man thats on our side but they get put against people with slightly higher MMR. That is supposed to be the disadvantage yet the difference is basically nothing were talking 2 ranks in League at most, not even full league, so there is no disadvantage at all in MMR.

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