QM Matchmaking is ruined because of specialist stacking

Azmodan, Nazeebo, Zagara, Abathur all these cancer characters that have both significant pvp and pve capabilities are ruining quickmatch because the specialist role no longer exists in matchmaking.

With the nature of quickmatch often having no healers, this gamemode has devolved into who gets more of the old specialists wins. It’s garbage, predictable and horribly unfun

Please explain why:
Team A (Valla, Malthael, Medivh, Mephisto and Qhira)
Team B (Zagara, Abathur, Zeratul, Nazeebo and Azmodan)
is an acceptable matchup.

Quickmatch has always been trash, but it is borderline unplayable now. And it’s all because specialists got reclassed as assassins when they really are not regular assassins.

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QM matches only mirrors select roles, and doesn’t use fan-made rules people assert should be in place, but have otherwise not had any significant statical impact on game matching. ie what is “fair.”

“Specialists” were match as a ‘ranged assassin’ before, so your complaint about the ‘reclassification’ is pretty much bronze-lord levels of complaints where people are essentially arguing delusions because they’re just looking to complain, and not actually play the game. Matchmaking doesn’t account for a ‘lack’ of skill :confused:

One side heavily favors diving on the enemy, the other side lacks reliable cc to stop that. If you were to search the forums, you’d find all sorts of topics that constantly assert they had ‘no chance’ against these sort of variations, not because they’re ‘unbeatable’ but because players don’t know how to play.

One side has lots of summons to act as a ‘temporary tank’ but otherwise has long cooldowns, so their contributions are reliant on the other side standing back and waiting.

Abathur is the ‘better’ hero for “healing” an unorganized team, but that side has delayed burst-heavy damage that could be mitigated with a decent medivh who’s doing more than just spamming an ability because it’s off cooldown.

Malth has ‘specialist’ levels of waveclear, mephisto is a ‘mage’ and has plenty of aoe, and Valla has ranged abilities and access to spell armor to mitigate most of the concerns from the other team. Everyone on that side can talent into suitable mitigation and self-sustain to hold their own when fighting on the objective.

Since you’re complaining about Quick Match, that means you’re playing on maps that have “Objectives” and “Mercenary camps”. These are tools that aid in controlling the game map to provide boons that might otherwise be lacking from non-‘specialists’. “Specialists” on the other hand, especially if stacked, are capable of ignoring the objective, but once an objective is claimed, that usually provides more clearing power than the specialists provide – which is generally why specialist-stacking is frowned upon, regulated to boogie-man stories, and doesn’t hold up in ‘average’ player experience. So the forum response falls into advise suited for low-level play where players are volatile, refuse to learn to play better, and just loop the same complaints for years on end.

The main issue is that one team favors afk-pushing and has an abathur hat to pick-off 1v2 fights while the other side breaks out into flame wars of blaming each other or matching since they spent all their years of complaining in one game after the next, so that’s the ‘skilled’ they learned.

Bzzzzd dumbs concepts down while increasing the power level of everything over time, so yeah it’s inevitable that they were going to ruin the roles/matchups. No point in asking why, they don’t have another way to maintain games

Tbh in a 50/50 where I had no other information I’d favor team A, having a pseudo healer and actual teamfight capability is great.

Really, the only questionable part as far as MMR is concerned is whether or not Medivh and Abathur should be considered the same role. While yes they are both supports they are completely different in terms of role. Of course, it does make for a good shortcut to prevent basically every game being an Abathur Mirror (being that he’s like top 5 popularity in QM behind other “solo queue warriors” like afore mentioned Naz, Valla, etc.)

Team A has way better team fight capability, especially pre-10. Additionally many of them merc better than the alternative team.


Ah, the classic specialist debate. If you lose a game vs. a bunch of push heroes, then it was because push heroes are too OP and there’s no counter. But if you lose a game with a bunch of push heroes on your team, it was because you can’t teamfight and you lost every encounter and there’s no counter. Either way, it was rigged, it was your team’s fault, it was Blizzard’s fault, and it certainly wasn’t yours.

Now? What do you mean now? Hon, specs were removed six years ago. There haven’t been specialists for longer than there were specialists.


There’s lots of words here, none of which say anything.

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Not like OP is innocent himself. His HP shows alot of games which he left. And recent game he was 0-19 feeding on Leo.

Okay i’ll bite, even with a handle like DavidThrowie

It’s not acceptable as team B lacks a Bruiser. QM prefers if 1 team has a Bruiser, then the other team has a bruiser, or no team has a bruiser. Not saying this is a hard rule, but it would be very unusual for 1 team to have a Bruiser and the other not. So either you made these teams up, or you are talking about a very rare 1 off game that would likely not be repeated.

Also if you are so hung up on your theory that healers make the difference, then jump on the healer. Or pick some skills that give some form of health regen.

To be fair… Aba in qm with no heal comps, especially on zeratul, means a hard time for those squishies.

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