QM Heroes that really boil your blood

What heroes in QM (specifically QM because they generally can’t be countered well due to horrible team setup etc), really anger you? Pick your top 3.

Kael - Where would you like your damage? Just point and click and watch as people feed your quest :))

Garrosh - Cannot die. Ever. If he does, the player disconnected.

Lunara - Hahahahaha. Hahahahaha. Hahahahahaha.



Aba + Illidan/TB Varian

It’s unstoppable unless you happen to have blinds/stuns or the enemy is bad.


Murky - I swear, nobody knows how to play Murky. People taking Slippery When Wet against a frontline-heavy team, people taking Egg Shell… in general. People taking Big Tuna Kahuna in general. It hurts me physically.

Azmodan - Just a really annoying combination of high health, long range, and high damage. Also, summons are obnoxious. He’s even worse in QM where you can’t guarantee having someone to abuse how fat he is.

Mal’ganis - Do I even need a reason? I don’t care if he’s technically balanced, I just hate his guts.


Don’t forget the people who take the 20 octo grab “upgrade”.


I find it fitting that there are s many Murky avatars around this thread …

[Three atop at time of posting]

or endless murlocs against a team that can easily stop him. like, gee, those four murlocs you got out sure beat the ordinary version of march :thinking:




Honestly, I’d take And a Shark Too! over Big Tuna Kahuna any day. It’s not great, but at least it’s not actively making your hero worse.


Varian: On my team he’ll take CS when he’s the only warrior and lose 1v1s against Morales and Deckard. On the enemy team he’ll take TB, solo bosses from level 4 onwards, and heal enough through lifesteal to outlast and win a 1v3. Or he’ll pick Taunt and be an impenetrable wall while we have a Sonya or D.va at best.
Azmodan: The health of a tank? The damage potential of any burst assassin? One of the best, if not THE best lane control in game? Maybe if you’re lucky you’ll get 3 different heroes that all combined can do what Azmodan does for his team by himself.
Genji: Aww, you’re playing anything but a warrior or Azmodan? Hope you didn’t plan on doing anything this game.
Mal’Ganis: Not sure what to type here, usually I’m sleeping through every match I face him in.
Sgt. Hammer: Either she’s useless and likes to sit there and watch herself die, or she’s an unstoppable goddess of fire who takes a fort by level 3 and can nuke you with her team if you even enter the same lane as her. There is no in-between.
Any premade with Abathur: TB Varian+Pocket Aba? Illidan+Pocket Aba? Zul’jin+Pocket Aba? Butcher? And your team has no blinds.





I’ve been finding Valeera a pain. I keep getting teams with no main tanks or healers and she just picks them off 1 by 1. Also when shes paired with Aba she can be a pain.

you got the wrong kt.

KTZ is the horror… Because it can just end up with bang you’re dead every 20 seconds. :expressionless:

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Nazeebo (20 pancakes limit)



+1 vote for Abathur hatting for Win Blades/Second Win Varian. It takes dedicated power. Even with stuns, blinds and all, a Warbringer TB Varian is just going to pick and kill whatever he wants with that Aba hat.

All pushing specialists whether i play with or against them.
I am really grateful to the xp changes for making facing those heroes more bearable.

Samuro because when I’m against him he doesn’t actually exist he’s just half a dozen clones none of which are actually him.

Butcher because when Im against him 90% of the time it’s when the matchmaker decided we didn’t need tanks.

Falstad because I suck so badly with him and every opponent with him never dies and is everywhere all the time

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Zagara. She can be global, will push all your buildings over if you ignore her, is a pain to lane against, provides vision all over the map (since no one ever kills creep), and her Hunter Killer tears chunks out of people.


Genji - TRY ME! He’s not impossible, but invincible followed by dash away is rage-inducing.

Mephisto - THERE YOU ARE. Getting smashed by that ult as you’re 1 second away from touching the fountain feels awful.

Medivh - Man oh man how many times has this troll saved a hero I’m about to kill with a deft cast of invincible and then warp gates to safety?

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:deer: What’s the matter, do you have allergies? haHAHA

Yeah she can be really annoying in QM :slight_smile: