QM gives one side 3 warriors, why?

There are enough games where QM gives you zero warriors on a team. Many times its zero warriors vs one (Dva).

But when QM puts 3 warriors, all self healing, with a self healing assassin, and a Lili, where is the chance at all in that type of game?

Please spend the 10 minutes necessary to improve the match maker in QM please.


Please define what you mean by warrior, a tank or a bruiser? Because the way QM works is if one team has a tank and the other has one too, then there can be any number of bruisers or tanks on either team.
Also they tried to fix QM before, player base hates it.


D.Va is a Bruiser, and is matched against other Bruisers. There are no “Warriors” anymore. Some other Bruisers include Varian, Ragnaros, Malthael, and Thrall - heroes that aren’t hugely very tanky. You probably had one of them on your team. The game always matches D.Va against a Bruiser unless both teams have a Tank.


QM gives one side 3 warriors, why?

because the entire purpose of QUICK Match is to get players into a game QUICKLY.

If QM was about “Meta of the Day Team Compositions” it would probably be called that.



D.va is a bruiser. She was matched against a bruiser you apparently don’t know is a bruiser.
Like gazlowe.


I think you’re going to need to show a replay…
But provided that one tank on each team, the rest can be random. Same for healers.

The matchmaker looks to put the 2 teams of 5 people with as similar MMR as possible between players and the two teams, plus at least one tank (mirrored), one healer (mirrored), and one ranged damage dealer (mirrored).

The matchmaker clearly decided that 3 bruisers (based on your comment, in assuming it was 3 to 1 bruisers) was ok because both teams had at least one bruiser (in leu of a tank) on each team. And that the teams would be more equal in term of MMR versus if the bruisers were split 2v2.


It was Muradin, Stitches, and Dva on one team.

Maybe check if they are in a party. Qm will never match 3 frontliners together unless they are in a party or you play on a server with low playerbase.

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So they had low crowd control and low damage. What’s the complaint here?

This is absolutely false. Been in these scenarios, with and against, a few times.

I really don’t understand why QM can’t just match role vs role. MMR can be considered, but I think it’s much less important than role vs role, maybe even nuanced so much as wave clear vs wave clear, cc vs cc, ranged AA vs ranged AA.

There’s no perfect system, there never will be for QM. But I’d rather have reasonably balanced teams, in terms of mechanics, than chaotic whatever matches. Doesn’t have to enforce a meta, just prioritize matching whatever roles are in the pool over MMR specifically.


A Team with qhira butcher vs a team with 4 range it easy to see who will lose tbh

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The key to those games is to macro push better than the tanks can, if you force a group fight they will pull ahead very quickly. Usually get your best to pushers to go to other lanes where the action is not. They may take one fort but you get two in nearly the same time, they are forced to split up and lose advantage.

The objective fights become the trickier part. If the objectives are not strong, try push forts/keeps instead.

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Of the dozen times you have made this topic, have you bothered to actually read any of the replies put into them? Cuz if you haven’t, you have plenty of answers to look at at any of the other times you’ve made this topic.

Cuz as far as I can tell, most cases you don’t reply at all, maybe put in one reply to specify a comp (where your title didn’t) and then neglect the next time around you make a qm comp complaint that’s the opposite of your previous one.

  • oh 3 “warrior” team marched all the way to core
  • oh 3 “warrior” team that couldn’t take a single objective.

You generally ignore what people write in these, ask the same thing over and over again, sometimes even get pointed out your match history – that shows your “all day” rants weren’t “all day” even with just a sampling of the history-- and otherwise interject labels of your own (such as “warrior”) over and over again. And pretty much ignore the easier answer of all: ones that were already given.

So maybe you should actually start looking for the answers people bother to put out instead of essentially doing the “i quit” type threads and then play the next day, and the next day, and the next day after that.


This happens almost every single game. I play around 8-10 games per day, and atleast good 80% of them is like this.

Also weird comps i just had a game

My team

Zeratul, murky, kaelthas, nazeebo, kerrigan


Thrall, Junkrat, Butcher, Nova, Greymane.

We got absolutely obliterated as Butcher just farmed murky all game for meat and nazeebo gave up and afked in base after 5 minutes.

Almost every game is 2 warriors vs 1 warrior on the beam or 3 warriors vs 1 warrior.

Not entirely sure why this happens but it happens.

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those games where murky your only melee and enemy has nova/butch/aba and 2 range assassins

mmmm my favorite

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I fail to see how this applies to my post, neither butcher nor qhira are bruisers, and there is no rule about melee assassins being matched together.
Once again, they tried fixing QM before, but que times were too long and people complained, so they turned it back.

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i think best way to approach this is to not expect anything from qm. just take it as a random mish mosh.

The issue is this is all we have on asian servers TT_TT as storm league takes sometimes upwards to 1 hour to find 1 match…

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(Warrior = Tanks and most Bruisers)
(If one team has a Tank, the other has at least one as well)
(If one team has a Bruiser, the other has at least one as well, unless there are Tanks in the game, in which case one can have 1+ while the other 0)

So… erm… what is the issue with playing as or against the 3 warriors?


Because QM.

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My favorite is Cap’n Crunch’s “Oooops, all Bruisers”