QM Bronze paired agains diamonds


I am bronze 5 with very low MMR and in QM I was last night paired against diamonds and even a master.

Isn´t it just a bug to be fixed?

Thank you

It isn’t a bug. QM and Storm League have two different MMR ratings.

You can be Bronze in SL and gold-platinum in QM MMR (it has no ranks, just numerical values). A Master in SL can be just gold in QM.

There is also a third separate MMR, for Unranked Draft.

“Unranked Draft will feature a pick and ban system similar to Hero League, no party restrictions, and its own unique MMR (Matchmaking Rating)”

Your MMR in all 3 modes goes up and down based on wins and losses only in those modes, and have no effect on each other.

Edit: AI and Brawl (+custom) are the only modes that don’t have a personal MMR rating.

“You can be Bronze in SL and gold-platinum in QM MMR” this could be valid only when you don´t play both simultaneously. If you do, you just has one skill, don´t you? Either you can play or not.

I spent hundreds of hours playin both QM and SL. While in QM i played in last matches against 2 diamonds or against a master, in SL I can´t dig out of bronze 5.

And even, if the mateched ranks were perfectly correct and I had with me in team some master to correct, WHAT SENSE DOES IT HAVE IN GENERAL TO PAIR A BRONZE AGAINST A DIAMOND IN ONE GAME?

Or, to round the circle, if my real skill is much higher than bronze, why couldn´t I dig out of Bronze 5? (after last 8:2 winning streak was earning about 40 points pro win)

The level of play in QM is consideraby easier than Storm League, and it includes no draft/ban phase which removes another layer of skill cap.

If you look up most people on Heroesprofile, their QM rating is higher or much higher than their SL rating.

Another reason you can face diamonds in Quick Match: Some higher ranked people don’t take QM seriously and have low MMR there as a result.