Punish hate speech in this game. No excuse for this in 2021

In the context that kames stated, I was bringing to light that new players are born all the time and they all have to come to grips with how they are treated in the real world. kames saying that it’s 2021 and people are still crying about being called bad players is a concept that will live on forever. It’s stupid to say just cause it’s 2021 people are immune to bullies and mean words thrown at them. This is not a history lesson. It’s a life lesson. Psychology and emotions are involved.

Unless kames is referring to the 40+ year olds…

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Hate speech is just toxicity. No instaban should be applied, ever.
I agree on the “report and move on” approach. I get it that it gets ppl, but words are just words, we give them their meanings and power.


I still can’t get over the OP wanting “instant punishments”. That’s naíve on a whole other level.

I really can’t fathom the thought process that leads one to unrealistically demand instant punishments in a game, or on the internet at all.


The title of this thread reads like Buzzfeed esque click bait to me.


Indeed it’s like people likes to judging about others than actual lawyer or police, who are trained to do their job.

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I ALWAYS mute my team mates at the start of every match (pinging is the ONLY communication you need). So, no need to worry about this sort of thing.

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Ouch XD

I have no clue what the R-word is and how that is race related, unless theres some race i havn’t heard of, Rasians.


Almost, Ngin, almost. I feel offended as a russian. :stuck_out_tongue: But the only insult with R I can relate to probably is: “retard”, but it’s not racism, but more likely just a personal attack or would you consider make fun about disabled people as “racism”? I wouldn’t, but it’s a discrimination and I understand if someone gets reported for this.

Even though I wouln’t report someone for words like that, because I know that most people don’t meant to attack someone like that intentionally, but they use this words from a tilting perspective, because they are mad about people’s reaction time in a competitive game…

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Ronald Mcdonald…

There is another R word that is thrown around as flippantly as the ones you suggested. You can pretty much work it out if you’ve played any online game.

I wasn’t in any sense trying to diminish how serious some of the issues are that have been brought up in this thread, but I question with how much good faith the OP posted this.

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Maybe, if you’re playing on exclusively english servers, but since I play on EU and mostly with german language I can’t think of any. The common phrases I know from Dota or Hots are

  • “Noob”
  • “Idiot”
  • “Retard”

all used in the same way to insult players, who did bigger mistakes. Any other words like racial slurs or other extreme words I encounter rarely. That’s the reason why I wouldn’t report someone for the word “Retard”, because it is literally used like “Noob” or “Idiot” from a tilted person.

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The German word is not similar at all to the one that was being referred to. Although it’s not in any manner an obscene word, it can be used in an offensive manner. I also can’t use it here, sorry.

What are you talking about Minky? I feel you’re reading more in my comment than I put information in… I never mentioned a german word at all, just 3 words I experienced commonly in moba games. And this 3 words I listed aren’t similar, but they are used for the same reasons like they were similar words - at least in my experience.

There is a difference between meaning of a word and the usage of it, consider this.

Even though I am curios why you can’t quote it, but you don’t have to - it isn’t important.

No, I responded to the question posed on the page, as best the forum rules allow.

Yes, it’s almost like I said exactly this:

This is in part why I said this whole thread is a bad idea. Trying to converse about very sensitive issues is already unwise on a game forum. It’s worse when you must do so hampered by in house rules that prevent you from even using words that are neutral terms, that if used maliciously can be twisted into something ugly.

*Before you @me, I was referring to the person who created this thread, not in any respect what you have written Yusuke.

I am just confused, because I probably misunderstood your comment, nothing else. :stuck_out_tongue:

I am still puzzled what do you mean by this:

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I personally think it is far better to say the word when referencing it than try to confuse or make ambiguous what you are referring to. Until I googled it, I had no idea what an “r-word” even was… I am pretty sure I am not alone with this, since it certainly was not something taught at schools.

Given that this is a video game, I strongly recommend people do not take any hate speech or trash talk seriously. Although such behaviour is not nice and should not happen, it more reflects on the poor up-bringing of some people rather than posing you any real or physical threat or interfering with your every day life. Report them for abusive chat, mute them and then ignore them and focus on winning the current game. If they really are sprouting hate speech then it is highly likely they will be punished sooner rather than later, and punishments will eventually end up into long term bans if they keep up their poor behaviour. You should not even want to know if they were punished for it, since that would mean you let yourself be worked up about it which means the person already won and in their eyes no amount of punishment will revoke that pathetic victory from them.

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I agree with this.
In my opinion a player should report someone for bad behavior (insults) when it becomes persistent.
One or two insults (it depends on the written insult) are kinda “ok”, those can “escape from your fingers”, just because of the momentary rage, just ignore that player and move on. But if that player keeps to make more bad insults (climbing up the insult level more and more xD), even if you asked him kindly to stop, well…I think that he needs a break from all of this, and I would report him, hoping he gets banned.
I didn’t report a Kel’Thuzad saying noobs to my team and constantly pinging for the entire game, because these things are tolerable. It’s not right to report someone for one single thing, even those players that get pinged by someone, instantly say “Muted”, I hate that thing so much, because it is equivalent to reporting someone for saying “noobs”. I’m not saying that is not right to mute someone that is constantly pinging you, but don’t do that instantly.

After all, it feels like no one could say a single little bad word, I’m not a fun of it, I would not insult someone, but I undestand that not all players are like me, I accept it and move on.

Why is it considered okay to throw insults in case of “momentary rage”?

I don’t get that.

For the same reason lawyers makes a difference between actions on instinct and intention. Emotions can be hard to control sometimes from person to person.