Profile Stats Error

My girlfriend and I started playing Heroes of the Storm together. We have the same number stats from the Games Played and Heroes Played. For some odd reason today, while logging on, her Daily Quest Completed was 5 quest higher than my profile. Last I checked, we were both the same. Just confused as to how this became about…

I know that this may sound minor, but it sounds like a glitch.

Maybe you two just got different daily quests and one of you didn’t complete a certain quest an specific day, and not every hero can satisfy the criteria to complete a quest (outside of draft modes at least).

Maybe she found some other boys to play the game with?

Noone ever reported problems with missing out on quest rewards for completed quests (only with brawls). You could only have issues with games and certain heroes not satisfying the correct quest criteria. Provide more details if you think there is a problem of some kind.

That is weird. We check our stats regularly and it was always consistent. We purposely complete all of our quest every single time we log into the game whether it is “Win 8 Games” or “Play 2 Starcraft”. After the previous event/update, the numbers of Completed Games changed.