This post got me thinking, a first I know:
Would it be possible that one those forum savvy people could manage to get a sticky going to help promote these tournaments? I often don’t know they are in progress now we don’t have any notification like we did on the launcher with the HGC.
If it’s possible a sticky listing the schedule of upcoming tournaments and notifications of tournaments in progress would be super.
I’m watching on KhaldorTV and I’m enjoying the heck out of it. I agree on sticky 100%, more people see it the better for tournaments and overall awareness.
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There are so many stickied threads there’s always more room for me.
But honestly they should really unpin threads like the weekly account suspension because they never get updated anymore.
Edit: ok that thread got unpinned, how about the weekly deals one because that’s really outdated.
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You are the forum savvy person I was alluding to. 
If it’s possible, I do think it would be a good thing to have. I didn’t know of all these tournaments going on, it would be nice to keep up and support them.
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I did mean to write in my first post, if someone has other ideas on how we could use the forums to promote these tournaments please discuss.
Wonder how many times I’ve poked people about that, lol.
How do you get something stickied?
And these games are MORE entertaining than the HGC ones by far. I just became a team out of the box fan. These guys are incredible.
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Asking Customer Support or pray for the blessing of the mods to find your post useful enough to be pinned.
Oh well my idea is sunk then, I’d need to find the schedules. It was finding out from phaseshifter’s post that I’d missed out on watching many of these tournaments that prompted this thread. I’m not the best person to compile an exacting list.
Heroes Hearth does Fight Night every other Friday, featuring the former NA pros (I know, NALULZ). They tend to go off meta a lot, and they usually have JHow casting them. The next one is on shortly.
Edit: The match is live, and speaking of non-meta, the map they chose for the second game is … Lost Cavern ARAM.
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