Pro tips for your main

Hey guys!

Feel free to post pro tips for your main here.

Sonya tips
  1. WOTB increases your hit box by a sizable amount, so be wary around skillshot heroes (both allied and enemy)
  2. Fury gives move speed, so you are very good at chasing
  3. If any of the following things happen to you, leave the match and go to the time out corner: Didn’t pick shot of fury, picked leap, used ancient spear to engage, or used whirlwind for anything but wave clear

KTZ tip:

  • The second chain works weird.
    If enemy hero moves from the position you used the chain from, the chaing goes the same trajectory as it would if hero didn’t move.
    Which results into weird things, be warned about it.
  • D.Va exploding meka counts as hero. If you are lucky enough, you can use your combo chain on Meka + dva herself, so she dies. And if not, you will die.

(I wouldn’t call this a protip, but…)


  • The more Armor debuff you have from Forts/Keeps, the more dmg you deal when you Towerdive with Arcane Explosion. So I often let myself hit a bit before shielding myself (not MySelf).
    (Also just to remove a common misconception (which I myself (and MySelf) also believed to be true for a long time): )
  • Portal Mastery’s half Portals are invisible to your enemies.
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-Make sure you always are melee in fights with your team. Don’t make it a 4v5.
-make sure you don’t symbiote longer than your mines are on cool down.
-if you’re doing locust back doors, save mines and cast them under fort/keep after locusts are targeted by it. (The fort/keep will focus them down before locusts (safe way is doing it after it is attacking locusts, it will kill them after finishing current targeted locust. “Unsafe” method is casting mines before locusts are in range of fort/keep))

Did I do it right?
Because like, I really cannot tell if these are meant to be protips, or “protips”.


I mean it is your main, so you are a “pro” at them

I mean, leap is picked nearly half the time.

Pretty sure picking it isn’t bad. :frowning:

So like, Idk. :man_shrugging:

So I did half troll half true.

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M0st of the time, WOTB is the better option tho

You can blink jump to minions with blink heal.
You can use the mini map to z jump to a hero
you can push butcher away with emerald win if you time it right while he charge you.
Remember to use your pixle dust on the tank when he engage.
Dont just spam your poly on people just to annoy them when its better to save it for a tank engage. unless you are godlike at hitting the poly/q combo then there is no need to spam it.
Try and poly key targets like healers if they are in range instead of poly a allready cc target since the healer can still save him out of it.


Also Blink Heal’s lvl 20 (the stealth blink) cancels the Charge. (Just like entering entering Stealth (for example with Nova’s Ghost Protocol).)


Holy Mackerel.
I have been doing that since Medivh was released, and I’ve seen streamers, very high rank streamers doing it as well…

Did you test it? I guess you did. Oh well sucks :frowning:

Another thing is iirc, with reabsortion, you want to self-cast it when you take it.

Last I recall hearing from Spazzo, the 70% healer only works after Medivh casts the shield on himself once. (Works the second time onwards).

Iirc, it also makes clones shield heal for 70% of their Abathur.

But I am going from memory… it might be cast if on anyone the first time. But it is wonky!

Not a Pro tip for all mains:

  1. Please, please. Help your team take bruiser camps while you wait for objective to spawn. You’re only running around looking for brawls at this time so you might as well make yourself useful and either soak or take camps.
  2. Preferably help take camps just before obj. If a camp is yellow on your map and its on your side, take it, if a camp is yellow on your enemy team side of the map and they are currently only 4 or less, steal it.
  3. Soak like a dish washing sponge. Especially when you’ve got a global tp like dehaka.

Follow these and you will be 3 levels ahead of enemy team, even if you lose brawl fights.

Are you serious about that portal thing? 'Cause I was bluffing enemies with fake “I’m about to pop in and take the boss with ley line seal”- half portals for years.

I feel like a donkey if that’s true. I mean I’ll still take Portal Mastery on 1 but omg.


Once Alarak has hit 16 he can duel and win most 1v1, before that he’s a team player.

Most people would say Alarak is the solo laner but is better to draft an actual solo laner or you’ll be losing a lot of potential with Alarak.

A lot of people admires an Alarak that can drag opponents without any type of setup but is way better when you use your combo after a setup which alows you have more time to do other stuff and is less risky.


I tested the Portal-thingie with @Hoku in Custom Game Mode.
She couldn’t see it.
I also went into some Replays and if I used the enemy perspective they couldn’t see it.
The “bluff” seemingly “worked” most likely because ppl fear the Portal or Leyline whenever they see Medivh above a Camp.


Oil spills and Ignited Oil Spills have separate timers, if you want maximum value, wait just before the Oil spill is about to expire before igniting it.


That’s a very good and useful test! I bet a huge number of people thought enemies can see them. If I’m lucky enough to see twitch players playing Medivh I still see it sometimes.

I’ll have to mention that in twitch chat to them.

Azmodan Tips

  • Laser+Demon build is best build. Globe build is terrible. Hellrift + all the demon warrior talents allows Azmodan to out DPS Tychus v.s. tanks, except Azmodan can dish the same monstrous dps out to non-tanks and structures as well while Tychus can’t.

Dehaka tips:
Always go to midfight to try and secure a drag. If you fail, don’t wait 15 seconds for the next one, just go to the next lane.

  • Don’t pick Egg Shell on 13. Just… Don’t.
  • Don’t try to lane vs. Raynor or Fenix. Go do something else.
  • Butcher doesn’t counter you. In fact you can get plenty of kills on him late game, and bubble CD is close enough to Ruthless Onslaught to deflect any of his kill attempts.
  • Slime build is underrated and great. It works against everyone and has no direct counter like W build (fast autoers).
  • Bait with eggs! If your egg dies it’s not the end of the world. I’ve sometimes placed them outside our gates to lure a person near towers to kill them. I octo, towers shoot at them, they get on super low HP, I kill them.