I can’t say I’m unsatisfied with the game roster atm, but characters we definitely need before the game dies are:
Warcraft: Cairne, Archimonde, Khadgar, Moira Thaurissan, Vashj, Cenarius, Mannoroth, Gelbin, Vol’jin
Starcraft: The rest of the co-op commanders, with special focus on Vorazun, Mengsk, and Swann. Additionally, we need Izsha, a Hybrid, and the Overmind.
Diablo: Ithereal, Baal, remaining D2 classes, remaining lords of hell
Overwatch: Reinhardt, Winston
Retro: Blackthorne, R&R Racing
I have a concept for Hogger, found here: [HC] Hogger, the Gnoll King