Pokemon unite is less then is less then hots

I tried unite yesterday and man, people say hots is bad but unite makes hots look like the absolute pinnacle of moba design.
I love pokemon but all this game did for me was make me appreciate hots all that much more.

This was gonna be a reply to another topic but its just got so big i decided to make it its own post.

Heres a overview of pokemon unite.

Unite felt sluggish and almost clunky at times. Everything auto aims by default (skill shots and auto attacks) and if you want to actually aim you gotta hold down a combination of buttons which gets akward if your also trying to pan the camera and move around. Which is nessesary at times beacuse some pokemon have ranges that are longer then what you can see on the screen. Plus the auto aim does not prioritize players, instead it goes for the closest enemy.
Pokemon have only 2 abilities and 1 ult that charges the same way tracers ult does at a time. That’s it.
Combined with the auto aim, it really feels like micro is down played to the point of it being nonexistent. Macro seems to be the only thing that matters. Its like simultaneously dumbed down so that any kid could play but they way you actually play is alot more abstract then what a game actually made for kids should be.

The game is very snowbally. The main goal of a match is go in to the jungle and collect these orbs and then drop them off at a point to capture it. There are no minions, instead there are lots of creeps in the jungle and thats where most of your experience points will come from.

The problem is 3 fold.

First, you have to turn in your orbs on the enemy side of the map. The map is small and your movement speed is slow so sneaking a capture is not an option. Imagine if black hearts bay in hots had no top and mid lane and you had to turn in your coins at the enenies siege camp. Now these turn in points take the place of towers (forts/keeps in our case) on the map. You can only turn in 100 orbs in to these points before they disappear and you must move on to the next one in the lane. These points have no offense capabilities what so ever. Instead, allies who stand on the point gain a shield and the space between allied points is a big slow zone. These points cannot defend them selves. A player must be there to prevent captures. (These points are about the same size as the ones on braxis btw).
Heres how all this plays out in a game. The game starts amd everyone fans out in to the jungle to collect stuff and fight the red team. As orbs are collected and points are removed from the map, the losing team is naturally pushed further in to their base which means they must move through more and more enemy territory in order to score. This also means the winning team has more control over the jungle as the game goes on.
Oh yeah, and you drop all your orbs on death. Pain and suffering.

Next, the lack of micro as mentioned earlier also plays a big role in how unbalanced the game feels. In hots theres all kinds of counterplay in any given match up. You actually gotta aim your stuff, many abilities have delays, many heroes have interesting defensive option to choose from, each hero has 5 or more abilities and passives that all interact with eachother in neat ways. If the other team is a level or 2 its not like all hope is lost. In unite tho, theres not much you can do other then beat eachother up until one of you dies first. As far as I could tell there wasn’t much there for someone to flex their superiority as a player. Especially outside of teamfights.

Finally, the Game is bursty. Now this is not an issue on its own. League and smite are both very bursty with insta death everywhere and those are still good games. The issue here is that the burst just compounds how bad everything else feels. When one team gets the lead, its not hard to start roaming the map and just start nukeing everybody which isnt hard given the maps small size.

Now theres also a bit of important meta game stuff to be done before a match to. Much like league, you can equip up to 3 held items and an extra ability that acts like the summoner spells from league called a battle item. For example I had a potion that I could use every 30 seconds for a 10% heal in game. Theres also a held item that shields a nearby ally for 20% of their health when you ult.
The balance of all these items is pretty all over the place but conceptually, this is fine. Don’t got many compliments here assuming balance is coming. (Although really, it should already be balanced but eh).

I haven’t had a whole lot of nice things to say but eh, it admittedly does have its moments from time to time and the vs ai mode ia nice despite its major issues.

Heres where it gets unforgivable tho. Yall who think activatavision is evil ain’t seen nothing. Behold, Tencent! (quick edit to laugh at my self with this one now that diablo immortal has been released. oh how naive i was lol)
Like other mobas, you don’t get everything at once and gotta go through unlocking stuff at a steady pace. For a little while at least. Much like a mobile game, the rate at which you unlock stuff slows way down after a while. This incentivizes you to engage with their 3 currencies and what feels like a deliberately confusing store to spees things up again. Among the things sold in this shop are freaking held items and battle items. Literal pay to win.
Some of this stuff is pretty good. Here in hots, you can feel a 2 level difference even with out a talent difference. Thats only 4% per level. In Unite you get 3 held items that can give upwards of 9% damage from your 1 out of 3 items in their base form.
Yes, their base form. These REDACTED items can be (well, need really) upgraded multiple times.

Needless to say, unite didn’t really do it for me. Imma go play some hots now.


You can change that in the options.

(Though the options don’t actually tell you what it does when you activate them, so people had to find out a lot of them through trial and error.)

If you keep the auto aim on, you will actually be doing worse, not better. A lot of mobility attacks, will send you back towards your enemy by default.

Well, if you pick a jungler yeah. If you have say, Snorlax, that’s not your job.

Well thats nice to know. Glad thats an option. Ill be honest tho, don’t really wanna go back to try it.

I expected Unite to be a mediocre moba at best. I like pokemon but the game is developed by Tencent and designed for mobile/switch. Tencent is notorious for having P2W and excessive microtransactions in their games and Unite is no exception. There are options to buy items just give flat stat increases. It’s a very basic moba the only appeal to it is that it has Pokemon characters. Take away the Pokemon and it would be a DOA game.


It’s a simplified alternative, MOBA can be simplified so much before it needs to seek help from a psychiatrist.

Auto targeting nearest enemy? I’m gonna go wash my eyes.


People complain too much about free to play games bring pay to win. Just grind up and you’ll be okay.

For new heroes and skins? Sure
But the foat stone for example, its stats double if you spend the money for it and the shell bell is pretty close to doubleing as well.

Thats dumb


Yikes. I saw the video how it was pay to win, and that was already bad enough. Playing WOW for so many years and always getting the best PVP gear because I was skilled enough, I eventually realized that I didn’t need that advantage. It was overkill because I was already better than most people.

To have no micro to express that skill and then to have someone else get gear because they bought it sounds like a nightmare.


I’m going to download and try it today. It’s been a hectic work week for me.

I can’t play HOTS right now because turning on my computer trips the circuit, but maybe this game will fill that MOBA itch for me.

Sounds like a game that will die out fast.


Yeah, I can see kids enjoying it for a month or two, as it’s a very, very casual Moba.
Not because it’s for kids (many adults enjoy Pokemon) but because it has no redeeming qualities as a standalone Moba.

After that it will probably dwindle greatly in player numbers.

Oh well, I have installed it and will play for a few more days. But I can already tell I’m not in it for the long haul.

I will probably keep it on my Nintendo Switch for when I’m very bored and have nothing else to do. Or install it on my phone as that becomes available.


Yeah sadly I see a lot of adults enjoy PokĂ©mon to an excessive level. Like plushies, pillows, or anything PokĂ©mon related but I can’t complain since the argument will boil down to their life, their rules and they’re not hurting anyone else


Why ‘sadly’? Beats passively watching CSI on TV for me, plus the nostalgia factor since I played it as a kid too.

Though anything in excess is bad, ofc. I will play or watch content related to the franchise a couple times a year now.

Pokemon Go is arguably even good for personal health since it encourages moving around outside, though I don’t play it.


They listened to me and I am sorry

I made a Pokemon Moba thread in Jan 2020


Yep. Sad days D:
I always thought pokemon had potential to make a good moba but not like this!


I was hyped about this game till I saw a gameplay stream, sad.

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I don’t like the fact has P2W items (even if it is only 1 or 2%). I understand they need to make money but seems like they just want to land those few whales and the rest of us pleps are just cannon fodder. To me the pricing also seems that it costs so much to get so little.

In saying all that above, overall I don’t mind it and I haven’t spent any money on it but I don’t see there being a longevity to the game.

I love the pokemon aesthetics (much like I like the bliz stuff) and It’s nice to jump on for a brawl or 2 when I wake up and it’s off hours for me.

I actually jumped into QM the other day after play Unite and it made me feel like HOTS was trash but yesterday went from Unite to HOTS ranked and was like “oh yeah this is the stuff”.

Summary for me HOTS ranked > Unite Ranked > HOTS QM

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Unfortunately its not just 1 or 2% here.
Heres a few examples;
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20/30/40% of their max HP.

After the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, the damage the Pokemon deals is increased by 7/14/21% for a short time.

When the Pokemon scores a goal, its max HP increases by 100/150/200.

When the Pokemon is not in combat, it is granted a shield that nullifies Sp. Atk damage equal to 9/12/15% of its max HP.

Each of these items must be upgraded a wopping 30 times to get their max bonuses.

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When you put it like that it seems like a lot but in perceptive I think better gameplay and knowledge (and draft) are bigger factors than an additional 20% of the max HP shield.

Though to be fair. I had a snorlax player the other day holding a cookie, score shield and just dunking in like 3 goals at the start constantly by endgame he was unkillable.

Interesting strat to try if I could get the items for it before it catches on.

Also in regards to those upgrades I don’t think you can buy those items directly with money if I’m not mistaken.

Upgrading Held Items costs Item Enhancer tokens. You get them from the free Battle Pass or purchased from the Aeos Emporium with Aeos tickets (which you can’t buy but correct me if I am wrong).

There might be a round about way to get them like Purchase Items you know will be duplicated but I didn’t honestly look that closely.