Plz rework hanamura or remove it from cycle

Hanamura isnt even part of overwatch anymore so if your trying to make it feel like its overwatch atm sorry but all your doing is putting up a graveyard for maps that dont exist. Either make hanamura go through a rework where objectives have nothing to do with payloads or just remove it from ranks cycle now.


If every player that ask a map to be removed from this game had thier wish then there would be no maps left to play.


Towers is a really bad map, but thanks to relativity, it is glorious compared to the abortion which is Hakunamatata. If there was a map that Karen could devise, this is it. Volskaya is a Holiday Inn Express and Hakuna is a Motel 6 where you get robbed and then the police break down your door later that night thinking you’re selling drugs because they got the wrong room.

Hanamura is a bit boring but it is different in that camps are more powerful than the actual obj.

If I had to choose i’d probably want to lose garden of terror for a bit.

Feels a bit boring to me if you play garden and cursed back to back as they have a similar aesthetic, 3 lanes and 3 objs to get.

Id probs prefer garden to cursed because it’s bigger and more camps but cursed is good for beginners.

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in overwatch 2 hanamura had been removed and nobody asked for that so why does it still exist in heroes of the storm?

You don’t like the teamfight aspect of the payloads?
The constant rotations?
The decision between pushing or picking up lane xp?
The distinct lack of pathing errors?
Maybe it just doesn’t suit your main very well?

Must admit I’m biased, it’s one of my better maps.

What’s your favorite map?


Starved for content, yet you ask for more things to be removed from the game.


While we have this thread running. Let me ask a question; I suggest treating this like a 3 lane map, Always have 1 top, 1 bot and the rest camping, with the bot/top rotating into the group as required. Is this the way to play it?


Yes that’s a reasonable way to play. But we’ll probly get multiple paragraphs explaining a bunch of w/e

Or please charge a montly fee to never get the dang map. I would happily pay $100 per month to be guaranteed to never get this or blackhearts.

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I miss the old Garden. Piloting the terror and making it do the thriller never gets old.

Biggest thing i don’t like about new terror is that the team that turns up to obj first isn’t rewarded with and advantage. On curse, the early bird team can position their heroes in such a way that the enemy needs to desperately push through to interupt the channel.

Garden on the other hand is different. If you’re there first you have to spend time killing plants allowing time for the slow team to catch up. You are also going to be lower health because the plants kinda hurt. In other words, it’s best to rock up late which seems counter intuitive.


Old garden terror is way better, you’re right. Like many things in this game, the update screwed it up.

I only hated old garden map when a troll took it and used it to chase people instead of pushing with it.

There is your first mistake :stuck_out_tongue:

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What’s more, the old terror map, early birds got an immediate small seed advantage by sniping the weaker plants first without then also requiring a channel. And there was a ton of variability in whether you wanted to contest the big boss to steal seeds or race down your own. So there were different localities for people to focus on and split groups.


sky temple is my favorite?

That’s a decent one :slight_smile:
I like it, on most heroes that is. Some struggle with the objective too much.

Ironically to prove my point about subjectivity…

I loved that map and vehicle especially with old Murky and Naz.

It was so fun with Murky to aggressively steal the small clumps of seeds on the enemy side with puffer and I loved the level 20 Naz Perma Gargantuan upgrade that would walk with you and siege while you piloted the terror, at least until someone killed it.

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That was a thing?!!!

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Yes, early Naz was kinda bonkers, the CD to re-summon the Gargantuan at 20 was lower than the level 20 upgrade now, the leash range was also huge and much more aggressive. You didn’t even have to hit with his spider, just throw them near and they would seek out heroes.

Although I miss the Gargantuan shenanigans, I’m glad Naz was reworked, he’s still easy now, but prior to the reworks he required little skill to gain advantage from his kit, which was one of the reasons he was the first hero I mained! Please forgive me for this secret shame, I was new to MOBA’s and Naz was also my husband’s main in D3. I was also a Jaina main then, so I guess I was the on release Hots meme!

Edit: I forgot to say the one restriction of Naz’s Gargantuan’s level 20, was you couldn’t re-summon it if it died while you were still in the vehicle. It was still bonkers though.

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