Plz explain the 50% win rate to me

Formulaic indeed. You just dissect everything, make up stories and turn it against them. You said nothing new.

Yes: you see their ranks during the loading screen, so you can easily calculate them as you can do with your (but with a bit of aproximation since you don’t know exactly how many points they’ve got intp their ranks).

I wouldn’t even bother responding, they’re like this in every thread. All they do is play up semantics/technicalities and use 60 words when 5 will do to obfuscate the lack of substance in their post with a cloud of pretentious faux intellectualism. It’s super pathetic honestly.

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I’m not talking about “ranks”, I’m talking about mmr numbers in EVERY mode, especially in the loading screens. When I’m playing a QM/UR, then I want to know how good these people are.

You wish they did but they acknowledged several of my postings and rework ideas in the past on reddit. And yes, some of these changes are inGame now after they have been upvoted to the top on reddit. Your idea of “chronic complainers” is just another immature deflection attempt as other people have pointed it out. Valid criticism is indeed valid in the end and there is nothing you can do against it. We’re done here, my pinocchio. You offer nothing but bloated postings.

If they would get paid at least, then it’s worth the time. But these are just some fanatic die-hard fans.

MMR is only visible on SL, on the other modes is hidden.

But I’m missing why are you interested to know the MMRs in a not-ranked mode: we all already know that QM has a fast queue as only focus and than UR does rainbow matches because very few people queue up for it.
While I agree that more fair matches would be indeed better, we know what are those two modes’ issues (and they’re not directly tied to the MMR per se).


Considering how many people use QM to learn new heroes, practice other roles, or try out weird builds, I can’t see what difference that information would make. I can assure you that my usefulness on a tank is wildly different from my usefulness on a skillshot mage, and there is no MMR display that could indicate this.

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I had lately the opportunity to have a discussion with a real, breathing and unfortunately, writing Flat Earther. It was, as you may expect, in vain. Some of the posts here remember me of this discussion‌.
You just can’t explain people stuff that’s going over their head. If they want to believe in conspiracies, there is nothing you can do to change their mind. They just don’t have the brain to understand. Even if you’re using simple english.
Here is the post, if you mind to read:

Scroll down to a comment of Mark Wilson

Except it’s not. You’re not observant enough to realize how it works and why. Of the ‘changes’ you might have agreed to, chance are more likely the form took other approaches to convey something more convincing as the trigger for getting the ball rolling on change. (I’ll overgeneralize here because you haven’t offered specifics, and are more likely to convince yourself “you’re right” in your claim without anything to back it, because that’s pretty much how you float your boat. Dismiss stuff you don’t like – regardless of content – and elate stuff you may like, even if it isn’t actually impactful)

People that go around, lying to themselves what other people do don’t notice what may get attention if it’s not a concern they agree on the problem/conclusion and otherwise convince themselves that calling the thing a derogatory name will magically make it disappear.

Similarly, choice replies will rely on generalities, overstatements and a number of ways to just convey a lack of specifics indicates that they don’t notice particulars, but they’ve convinced themselves that they have.

You keep claiming I offer nothing, but if you don’t read it, you assume it’s nothing, and that that is the same thing. It’s not.

You don’t offer specifics, at most you see one line, and maybe reply to that, but you’re better informed by what you refuse to notice and claim otherwise.

That is the claim people put, but can’t actually back.

When people don’t notice stuff, they don’t use specifics, they overgeneralize (as I wrote before) and then act like they’re informed.

Little of what I wrote is on “semantics” or “technicalities” but it’s what people skim the bits to assume it to be the case because they’re not going to check or really care, but they want to act like they’re informed.

Here’s a simple observation: what people know about something is indicated by how they can describe it. People that forgo specifics in favor of generalities – esp ones contrary to what is posted – indicate they didn’t read something, understand it, or care to notice the difference.

You refusing to engage with ‘substance’ usually indicates you ignored it, disagree with it, and want to call it something more than it is.

If you can pretend that your own ignorance is empowering, so any anyone else, so without ‘substance’ to your dismissal, it’s just more inane fluff that doesn’t even notice it’s own contradiction.

The inherent irony is the people that bemoan my posts rely on hyperbole, don’t read it, and then try to claim they’re an authority on it’s content. It’s assumptions, and bad ones at that.

I presented to u hard facts. Are they so irrelevant to be completely disregarded or are they good enough for some so called conspiracy theory ?

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Oh so this is the infamous “I’m sorry dev you’re wrong” thread. How lucky I must be to be graced with such a legendary product of asininity.

“Are you not entertained ?”


I wouldn’t call them exactly hard facts. Circumstantial is a better word: a guy who might or might not have worked on HotS saying he was okay with a biased matchmaker under some conditions. Given that every dev who have posted here and who we know work on HotS, have expressed quite clearly the matchmaker strives for 50/50 matches, I wouldn’t say your source with all those buts and ifs could be regarded as a smoking gun.

A Devs says something that it’s ok with your bias -> “the Devs said it! It’s the truth!”

A Devs says something that it’s not ok with your bias -> “the Devs are lying! I know the absolute truth!”

And all of that, completly out of context.



If you prefer to blindly believe everything the devs say and not question…or on any matter outside the game…I say good for u.

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Try doing that with the source you’ve been like… posting it constantly the past 3 years in every match making thread that was ever made, the same lines and same comment?

I mean I’ve seen you doing it the past few years and I’ve seen that from your own eyes and perspective, nothing has changed, and yet you are still here, and here we are.

Isn’t it time to move on?


Same question…same answer

Really this is the only thing i commented on…not on OW heroes, not genji, not maps, not reworks, nothing except mm. OP heroes all the more reason you shld abuse them, don’t complaint to devs. In the end good teammates with bad comp is still better than bad teammates with good comp.

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And in those 3 years, how much progress you’ve made with that link? Because currently I can see you are still at square one.


Not really.

So are you goin to move on from 50/50 ?

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That sounds rough bro, consider a hobby or something, have you tried game development? Pretty good stuff, you can come up with your own match making system, who knows just throwing it out.

That’s funny, because I never moved in the first place, I’m just an observer, and what I am seeing right now is just sad.


Why r u sad? :stuck_out_tongue:

So you are neither here nor there. Ok. Good talk.

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