Pls stop and fix the game

We have years without any game change, even no ranked map rotation, no new chars, no new maps or fix old maps, no fix ranked matchmaking (ppl with 10% winrating take to platinum, of course those players stop play ranked because it’s an abuse), no fix the bug of update the game each 10 seconds when you close it… and suddenly you start to random changes like new mounts like Cebra taking us new bugs like we can’t play. Pls stop random changes and fix the game

Not sure if you’ve read the last few patches but they are mostly bug fixes.


naw, having an informed opinion is too much work. It’s a lot easier to just complain.


Just be happy that Chen and Samuro, and only Chen and Samuro are 50% off in the shop, for now until the heat death of the universe, what more can you ask for?

Having made that dumb joke, the matchmaking issues you mention in ranked, were present even before Hots was in maintenance mode, they are just more glaring now as there are fewer people playing Hots, and even fewer playing ranked.

Do they change map rotation? no. They fix old maps or take any new? no. Do they fix the bug of permaupdates? no. Do they take any new mechanic (as towers change some years ago)? No. Well, today we can play in EU (because yerterday we can’t).

Imagine being this uninformed.

The game is in maintenance mode, cupcake.

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