Please remove "compelled fairness"

Oh now I see. The reddit post date says January and the screenshot itself says February.
That poster did not do a good job with details like NotBelial or Samisha :joy:


but its another YEAR… :sunglasses:

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When he reach 100% winrate.


in fact, it doesn’t matter on 50% winrate or not.
But on the feeling that your teammates have the same skills!

I don’t have this feeling, do you?

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I have that too. First 5 games i played yesterday i had good teammates on both teams then i had 3 games that was either a full stomp becaause enemy was a 5 stack with Chogall that no one could kill cause too many squichy on my team and then next game I get 3 trolls who ignore lanes and expect me to defend and take camps as tank while thry boost thier ego and stats.

So yea. Its good to know im not alone in this clown fiesta.

I have also seen qm has started to make even worse comp then ever
Like giving one team two tanks and other team a tank and a bruiser
And some 5 stack abusers ofc have notiest this so they que up with a main tank and Varian so his team has a bruiser on thier team while enemy team ends up with two main tanks who cant kill him or his team.


If you have a 10 player game and you only have 100 people playing in a prescribed rank range at a time that kind of limits your opportunity for closely balanced games.

while our player pools aren’t that shallow, you make the fairest match possible out to the players available.

Especially when you cant break up groups to balance things out.

Its not “Compelled” it the best possible combination of whats available.

To be fair, QM MMR is a rollercoaster, just because people are 3k+ doesn’t imply they are in a competitively ranked environment master material, and this is because the MMR changes basely and mostly around winning or losing, and nothing else from the look of it.

I’ve seen a lot of 3k+ and they barely scratch platinum in reality when checked Storm League wise especially with how poorly they perform.

However for MMR to work the game needs to have players in those times to fill or else queue times take longer than intended for a “quick” match this is where the problem occurs in which MMR is fiasco, it will still try to “average” the MMR in the game by queueing mix and match people of random MMR rates , which is mostly where the problem occurs.

For this to be solved, the player base needs to be sadly bigger. :man_shrugging:


At this point Waterlong you needs to start a “please remove X” mega thread as a public service. :wink:

This is too true and I’ve replied the same to so many “QM has horrible MM” threads. Considering all the variables and the lower player population, it’s a wonder MM is as good as it is in QM and it’s not great.

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At this point i wonder how many remove X stuff from Hots are on Reddit.

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If I liked Reddit I’d go over and look, I imagine lots, though with their system those kinds of unpopular threads could get basically hidden.

Sadly the forums here are very quiet lately. I know many posters have migrated over to Reddit because of moderation issues. The huge slow down in new content isn’t helping either.

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Man, I got played. WP, OP

Reddit had about 30+ threads about removing BHB :smiley: So its not just us who gets spammed with this.

A lot of scallyvags I see… damn reddit. :frowning:


Thx now I don’t understand how and why weekends sucks so bad that I rather not play on them. I mean, the common sense says there suppose to be more player on the weekend, which means a better chance for the matchmaker to make a fair game right ? Wrong, freakin wrong! I tried weekends so many times and it was always an unmitigated disaster.


indeed i have same experience

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Okay, let’s not argue specifics because you could :wink: but pretty much all of my trying-to-be-helpful while thinking-out-of-the-box topics have been shut down with stop-you-stupid. Ideally it was done in a relatively nice way, but anyway.

I kinda feel, what’s there to talk about?

Even in this topic, if people share they feel things to be a bit streaky, they’ll be told it’s how random works, they are wrong, and there is no such thing, and. Not “why do you feel like that”, and “why do you think that is”, “what could be the root cause” and “assuming that is, what would you do”. Well, what would they do, they would do stupid things. Hero specific MMR, antisocial features.

The most valuable topics to me are Salt Mines and Joy Mines, either to ask for a hug or send some positive vibes. Well, and the art / video topics are kinda nice.

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You quoted me, I hope I didn’t do that to you? If so I apologize, I can sometimes get too caught up in the details of a discussion and miss the broader point.

With the lack of content there is much less to discuss. As we don’t get blue posts here and HOTS not having much resources dedicated to it, it feels to me at least, kind of pointless asking for changes or suggesting them.

I like the Art threads too, I very much miss Dr. Logan’s Life on the Forums looks like thread where he posted his sketches.

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This kind of system would ruin the game. The average person would become frustrated, losing huge numbers of games, and quit, shrinking the playerbase down massively. Even the top end players would eventually become bored due to lack of competition, and quit. It would be every bit as boring as vs AI.

But chess is a 1v1 with unchangeable variance of factors and rules (and by rules in this case think hero’s abilities). Kasparov over there doesn’t suddenly has his pawns spit fire and eat a piece 4 blocks away after turn 7, know what I’m saying?
This method is not as accurate nor useful when applied to a team-based game with such high variance of performance, and this variance is also a double factor variance, this means that not only each of the several players on a single match must be considered for the equation, but that each of those player counts for double variance, himself and the character in game he is using each time. The variance then becomes way too big for this method to be consistent.

I agree player base is a big problem, though, but, still, forcing (or trying to match) players to compensate each other is a wrong move. IMHO.

Then, I don’t see much of a problem with smurfing (for this particular case alone), in fact smurfing is a good remedy, since the good, more experienced player will advance, while the bad player won’t. Think of this, friend, why people even have the necessity to smurf in the first place? Mostly to escape the badly implemented system that traps them forever in a mediocre, pretty much forced, 50% ratio way earlier than they deserve! In the end, if they smurf and advance, they are being proved right, the system was unfairly screwing them.

I algo agree there is no clear solution, but if we never try, how are we going to find out? All I say is, never try to force results, let people compete and prove their own worth by themselves. That’s all.

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Don’t have to apologize, you are decidedly kind to everyone. I think. :wink:

You may or may not have, the point is I think there is a causation. If people are shunned for expressing ideas or opinions, they learn to shut up.

It’s like facing the opposition in the parliament. Whatever you say, somebody will dissect your idea. It takes a bit of getting used to it to deal with it.

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