Please remove Blackheart's Bay from Quickmatch

I believe it. I started winning a lot more once I played QM exclusively with heroes good at macro and picked up the slack of potatoes who don’t know about this stuff :expressionless:

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Yeah, I learned a lot from those streams. I’d say watching how good players “carried” those games was the key moment in realizing how stuff works in this game for me.

They don’t do flashy stuff for 20 minutes. They do all the background work that needs to be done, like soaking, doing camps, clearing enemy camps, soaking some more (2 lanes at once if necessary). Not a single other person on their team is often doing any of these things.

As a result their team gets 2-3 levels ahead despite both teams being at equal kills. It’s hard to feed at that point when you have so much more HP and are up a talent tier. And their win rate in those low leagues is close to 100% because of that.

Again, not because of flashy grand master plays. Because they put in the work necessary such as soaking lanes, which every other player on the team refuses to do.

It’s very understandable why ~70% of players are between bronze-gold. They only seem to log in to fight in the middle for 20 minutes. They aren’t interested in the game as a whole.


To win on Blackheart’s Bay, you have to do all the boring grindy crap that HotS promises to cut from other MOBAs. If you don’t like League of Legends, why would you want to play an inferior version of it? That’s the issue with BHB. It doesn’t gel with what people like about Heroes of the Storm.

Every other map encourages action, big plays, big team fights, and here we have a map that actively discourages it. It doesn’t make sense.


No wonder ARAM is so popular. It’s actually pretty sad when you think about it, because these MOBA games are supposed to be simpler, easier, dumbed down versions of RTS games like Warcraft 3. But even the simplified MOBA game appears too complicated for people to deal with anymore. I actually predict the entire MOBA genre will soon degrade into all ARAM, all the time, even the pros. :expressionless:

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It’s not my favorite map but it’s not the worst either. I’m very shocked on Co-Op vs. A.I. how nobody ever cares to turn in the coins (doubloons). But somebody has to do it so why not me? LOL. It’s actually a funny battleground and makes me laugh while playing it.

Yrel is godly on Blackheart, that and good mobile healers (not brightwing but someone with moving power in teamfights like anduin or rehgar)

Gotta have variety ma dudes. Its why I think they should bring Haunted Mines back into QM rotation, variety is the spice of life and that map was my favorite spice.