I just wanna chill out and have a fun time playing a video game.
Blackheart’s is not a chill fun time.
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I just wanna chill out and have a fun time playing a video game.
Blackheart’s is not a chill fun time.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
I can’t agree more with this.
Why not remove all heroes and maps until we have exactly 1 hero, 1 map, so everyone can have the same chances for the win?!?!
I like BhB. It requires a lot of strategic thinking and map awareness, and those are things I wish there were more of in this game.
If you want to play on braindead-mode, I’d recommend checking out ARAM. I like playing ARAM whenever I just sort of want to turn off half my brain and throw down for 15 minutes.
It’s because the standard HotS player doesn’t know and can’t comprehend how to play this map. This is the only map that you can basically win without ever fighting. If you have a terrible team comp all you need to do is avoid your enemy, get coins, get camps, push were the enemy is not and bait the enemy.
But Blizz taught their audience to brawl, brawl, brawl… and then people get mad if they try to brawl on BHB and the other team wins by coin turn-ins.
I’d rather see Hanamura removed from the game. It is still the worst map.
It’s has removed? No I don’t think so badly that Blackheart’s Bay cannot removed from Unranked! though I see that map will returned to Ranked that will serve it.
This is one reason that I dont play QM and UR.
Why not remove weapons and spells from every hero and have them fight with thier bare fists instead.
Crazy idea but have u considered the possibility not everyone plays to win and some people would rather have fun and lose than play 20 minutes of a merc camp simulator?
If I wanted to tryhard and win Id play ranked. Since I’m in quickmatch, I’d rather have fun and lose than have a miserable time
Blackheart’s is not ssso bad… I always hope to optimize on other’s cluelessness of the level to claim a win lol. Plus sometimes people forget you don’t need blackheart’s blessing to… actually win. Enemy team would be camping around the pirate while we finish off their core quickly.
No, this is the best map in HotS. Don’t they dare to delete it from QM.
Go ARAM mode then.
I don’t know what it is about blackhearts, but people suddenly turn braindead on that map. Which is what really bumps it up from simply my most disliked map to a terrible experience.
Half of the games I play on it don’t even have people grouping up. The largest amount of people together at one time is 2 or 3 players. Some of the team just split pushes uselessly or endlessly takes camps.
I’ve got a better idea! Put the old and new versions of Gardens, Dragonshire, and Haunted mines back into rotation! I miss haunted mines so much :(. QM can just be the place where all maps (aside from brawl maps of course) reside!
All you do is collect coins and turn them in. You don’t even need to team fight on that map. Can’t get any more chill than that. If anything it’s too chill!
you know I’ve heard this complaint since alpha. what is it about that map that bugs you and others?
I mean yes, the first time I lost a 100% core to a single objective I was pissed, but like, that’s the game. that’s heroes. ignore the objective and be punished.
is that it? or something else?
It’s super large, obj first shoot is too strong. Lost a fight with coins has terrible consecuenses and it favors a lot certain heroes and comps. In QM this map usually means gets stomped really hard if you are in the unluky side. That’ not fair at all.
For the record, I win a lot on this map since I play heroes that can abuse the mechanics of this map but win doesn’t make the map fun. It meeds another rework.
Stop the reworks. Just leave this map in the trash bin
Just could look for Blackheart’s Bay will stay here no removed. yesterday when I want to tried Whitemane but too losses compared to Yrel, Jaina, & Valeera Central News South would win in time!
It would be a nice christmas gift.