Please keep HOTS going!

I and many other people love this game so much. I think Blizzard should give it another go and keep updating the game with new content (heroes etc.). Out of all the MOBA’s out there this is the most fun and relaxing to me. This game has so much potential and it would be a shame to abandon this gem.

Don’t go down the Overwatch road though - I don’t want to see a HOTS 3.0 with the game focusing on the shop…

Also bring it to Steam!



give me Cydaea!
give me Cydaea!
give me Cydaea!
give me Cydaea!
give me Cydaea!
give me Cydaea!

make her happen! I want Cydaea!


There are a lot of heroes I would like to see. They have a lot of possibilities!


The basic mmr system was screwed up from the beginning, so low chance someting will happen when basic things are not done properly.

BTW no profit = no work ^^


I’m afraid that in its current state the game is a pain for most players, just read the reviews about on the internet. It would be better if it was just closed, it should have been done 5 years ago.