Please ban Sgt. Hammer from Aram brawl

Hammer is incredibly hit-or-miss in ARAM. Either she’s utterly broken and snowballs the entire match with barely a handful of deaths, or she’s useless and feeds worse than a team of Leorics and Murkys and/or does less damage than a bot Stukov.

And following the trend the devs have of removing heroes who are either too good or too bad from ARAMs, I don’t see why they shouldn’t remove a hero who is very often one or the other.

More than Hammer though, the #1 hero(es) who needs to be removed from ARAM is none other than The Lost Vikings. Seriously, they’re bad enough in 3 lane matches, why on earth would you allow them in a 1-lane match?

Azmo and Abathur are already out, luckily.

How about no, this game mode is such a gamble there’s no such thing as balance, stop banning heroes because they are powerful, once she’s banned you all will start complaining about a different one and so on, doesn’t it getting tiring?

I’m not complaining about a different one. I’m only complaining about one hero, Sgt. Hammer.

I am completely fine with all the other heroes that tend to dominate the aram brawl, including: Zuljin, Junkrat, Liming, Kaelthas, Kelthuzad, Nazeebo, etc.

If they were to open up the selection and have no heroes banned, then I would be fine with that as well. But if they are going through the effort to ban any number of heroes on aram, then #1 on the list should be hammer. That’s all.

Also, if they were to guarantee role parity in the aram brawl selection screen then that would certainly help the issue as well. Meaning, if one team gets the option for a healer, the other team does as well. There is nothing worse than going against a Hammer / Stukov / Medivh comp when your team didn’t even get the option to pick a healer.