Please add the Nazeebra mount back to the shop

Thank you hardworking Dev’s for the recent patches, but I have a small request. Could you please, pretty please, add the splendid Nazeebra Mount back in the shop for purchase?

It’s been unavailable for years, if you could commune with the spirits of your ancestors and find where it’s hiding and put it back in stock, you will make me and many others do the Naz “iieee”, in gratitude.


Yes! \o/ Gimme the zebra!


Also if possible, add Golden Xenotech Abathur (not Galactic).

I know it was never officially released so you can only see it on AI mode bots, but what’s the harm at this point? Make it gems only and let people pay real money for it.

The graphical 3d asset is already there, just unlock it in the shop.

The game is 10 years old, may as well add in every single mount and skin that was ever made. I wouldn’t be salty even as an original Wonder Billie owner. Just let everyone buy everything with gems. Possibly even the old 2015-2016 ranked reward mounts. People barely even remember what they look like, any status symbol they had has been lost years ago.


It’s not like I don’t have enough mounts, but it would certainly be nice if celestials were introduced again. Might even spend a little money again.


Never seen that mount. When did they make that one ?

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Back in alpha I believe.

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Celestial mounts are regular mounts with a galaxy (black space plus stars) visual. They were seasonal gempurchase rewards. I have them all, can send pictures.

Wonder Billy (who inspired the Gold-only Wonder William) was a similar mount. I only missed the og from that.

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I will start a petition not to add that mount back.

Sorry Minky, but if they do, then more people might play Nazeebo :smiling_imp:


You mean, run around doing nothing?
If you play, you don’t see your mount.

As a counterpoint, I suggest that the result might be double soaking.
Three cheers for Minky!


Sorry, the spirits say it’s not Naz’s time to leave the Nexus Phase. While Naz remains incredibly easy to play, he will be in 90% of all QM games, Nazeebra mount or no.


Yes! and can we get the sleepy cloud too while we are at it!? :sparkling_heart:


I’m seeing on the Americas region that that’s now available again. Have you checked since the patch a few days ago?

Hi, the Sleep Cloud? Yes, that’s in the store, sadly no Nazeebra’s.

i got my angel hopefully you get your striped menace (they kick!)

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I was super pleased for you when I saw they added that skin to the shop. I’m obviously taking a leaf out of your book with this thread. Despite what Phase says, the Nexus is in desperate need of more Nazeebo players!


you take that back you heathenish fool!


Never! I also stand with my comments made eons ago that Naz is a real cutie, even more so when sitting on that Nazeebra mount.

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there will be a reckoning
the heretics will be purged from this game

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oh my gosh! thank you for letting me know! YES! been waiting for this for a hot minute!

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Bought the Auriel and sleepy cloud. Now I have no gold, but I’m still gratefel for the work the one intern in charge of HotS is doing. Making people happy with very little.

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